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Create RSS Feed Card

The RSS card lets businesses quickly and easily display live RSS feeds right into your office space, as its a …

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Create Weather Card

The Weather card is perfect for businesses that rely on the weather, allowing employees to prepare for the weather in …

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7.2ContentLibraryPlaylist Channels

Tag Content

Content tags are used to organize, filter, and group content. Tags can be applied to all types of content such …

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Download Content from Appspace Library

All content within the Library, either uploaded or created, can be downloaded for backup purposes, or used in an external …

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Activate Appspace On-Prem 7.2/7.1 Server License

This article provides instructions to activate your Appspace on-prem server for all subscription plans using the following methods: One-Step Licensing …

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Create Single-Room Scheduling Card with Google G Suite

This article provides the instructions to create and configure a Room Schedule card with Google G Suite provider settings. The …

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Configure Schedule Board (Multi-Rooms) Card with Google G Suite

This article provides the instructions to create a Schedule Board card in the Appspace console, and configure it with Google …

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Create Single-Room Scheduling Card with Office 365

This article provides the instructions to create and configure a Room Schedule card with Microsoft Office 365 provider settings. The …

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Configure Schedule Board (Multi-Rooms) Card with Microsoft Office 365

This article provides the instructions to create a Schedule Board card in the Appspace console, and configure it with Microsoft …

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Configure Schedule Board (Multi-Rooms) Card with Custom Calendar Provider

This article provides the instructions to create a Schedule Board card in the Appspace console, and configure it with custom …

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Create Single-Room Scheduling Card with Custom Calendar Provider

This article provides the instructions to create a Room Schedule card in the Appspace console, and configure it with custom …

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7.17.2Advanced ChannelsChannels

Enable Public Access URL in Advanced Channel

A public advanced channel is mapped to a static URL and the advanced channel saving function in Advanced Channel includes …

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Create Social Media by Seenspire Card

This article provides the instructions to create and configure the Social Media by Seenspire card, which allows you to display …

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Add Content to Library

This article provides instructions to uploading media files in the Library. Upload Content Click the Quick Actions menu on the top right …

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Configure Single Sign-On (SSO) for Appspace 7.1 On-Prem

This article provides instructions to enable the Single Sign-On (SSO) feature for Appspace On-Prem. With SSO, Appspace On-Prem accounts can …

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7.17.2AdministratorBrowse and Navigation

Manage Devices and Networks in Console

Register and organize your devices in device groups, or create and manage a hierarchy of networks, in Devices. Devices is …

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7.2ChannelsContentPlaylist Channels

Configure Content Properties

To configure the properties for any content, you may open the property window in the following ways: Double-click the content …

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7.17.2Advanced ChannelsContentLibrary

Create Rich Text Content for Advanced Channel

You can add rich text content to a playlist on a Media Zone widget in an advanced channel. Rich text …

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Assign User Roles and Permissions in Appspace 7.x

Once a user accepts an Appspace invite, they are automatically registered as a standard user by default if they are …

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Upload Dynamic Media to Library

The Appspace Library supports the usage of Dynamic Media, allowing users to specify content that is located externally on a …

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Add and Send User Invitations

This article provides the instructions to add additional users to your Appspace instance via email invitation in the Users extension. …

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7.28.0Advanced ChannelsChannelsContent

Configure Content Expiry

By default, content added to the Library does not have an expiration date set. You can now manage your library …

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Set a Home Network

This article provides the instructions to set a default home network. Prerequisites Network Administrator or Account Owner permissions required. Set …

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Switch Networks

This article provides the instructions to switch between networks. Prerequisites Network Administrator or Account Owner permissions required. Switch Between Networks …

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