Appspace Intranet

Appspace Intranet (Beezy)

This article is applicable to Appspace Intranet version 4.5.0 onwards. Every hour an automatic process will run to determine which published Pages have to be expired, taking into account the combination of the Date + Time that the Author/Contact defined for that Page to expire. If these criteria are met, then the process will unpublish …

Automatically expiring Pages when a date is reached Read More »

This article is applicable to Appspace Intranet version 4.5.0 onwards. When a Page is exactly within 1 week of expiring an email notification will be sent to all Authors and Contacts associated with a Page, acting as a reminder for them to review it if need be or to ignore it if they still want …

Notifying Authors and Contacts that the Page will expire Read More »

This article is applicable to Appspace Intranet version 4.5.0 onwards. After saving an expiration date you can have instantaneous feedback that the date/time was set accordingly since the Pages Edit Mode now also has the About this page Widget that was available on the Pages View mode. We included in the Widget one new ‘Expires …

Understanding when a Page is going to expire Read More »

This article is applicable to Appspace Intranet version 4.5.0 onwards. Pages Editors, Writers, and Guest Writers/Authors will now have an available option to quickly set the Expiration Date through the ‘…’ menu. The option will only be available to the user after he/she does at least one action on the Page (e.g write the Page …

Set and manage an expiration date for a Page Read More »

This article is applicable to Appspace Intranet version 4.5.0 onwards. The Pages Expiration Date feature introduced in Appspace Intranet the capacity to: Set and manage an expiration date for a Page; Quickly help all types of users to understand when a given Page is going to expire; Notify Contacts and Authors that a Page will …

Overview Read More »

The users added into a community via audiences cannot unfollow or leave the community. In the detail page of the community, a message will appear when the user tries to leave or unfollow the community. This feature implies a new notification when the user is added via audience (even if the user was there before), …

Audiences in communities Read More »

In order to customize the types of praises users will be able to do, go to Settings > User interface and provide a new schema: [{ ‘Name’: ‘Congrat’, ‘Title’: ‘Congratulations’, ‘IconUrl’: ‘/Style Library/images/beezy/praises-sprite-congrats.png’ }, { ‘Name’: ‘ThankYou’, ‘Title’: ‘Thank you’, ‘IconUrl’: ‘/Style Library/images/beezy/praises-sprite-thank-you.png’ }, { ‘Name’: ‘GreatIdea’, ‘Title’: ‘Great idea’, ‘IconUrl’: ‘/Style Library/images/beezy/praises-sprite-great-idea.png’ }, { …

Configure praises Read More »

This section applies only to Appspace Intranet (Powered by Beezy) version 4.4.0 and higher. Adding an Audience to a Community might trigger a massive association of thousands of users, which might cause. some performance issues The SharePoint limit of 5000 users per community is there (see more information here) and customers’ IT departments should pay attention to …

SharePoint Community limits Read More »

This section applies only to Appspace Intranet version 4.4.0 and higher. Communities have being slightly redesigned to support the new capabilities in Audiences in Communities. Firstly, the Members tab will now distinguish regular and audience-based members, presenting 2 different sections: If a community doesn’t have any associated audiences, then the ‘Audience based’ sub-tab will be hidden …

UI changes in the Members tab Read More »

This section applies only to Appspace Intranet version 4.4.0 and higher. Whenever users are added to a community through an audience they will receive a new bell notification, even if they were already regular members of that same community. On the notification modal, users can conveniently click on both “View Community” and on the name of …

User notifications Read More »