Appspace Intranet

Appspace Intranet (Beezy)

The initial condition to create a Local entity is that the Global Admin has to access to Editorial Settings and enable Local Entities in settings. Be very careful! This action is irreversible. After creating a Local Entity you cannot hide or delete it! Then appears a New Entity button at the top right of the …

Create Local Entity Read More »

After clicking on Edit in local entities list for an Entity the Edit modal appears. We cannot leave empty the required fields. If we disable a module the users of the local entity will see that feature as if they were a user of the Default entity, and the local admins will not have the …

Edit Local Entity Read More »

  Once the campaign is up and running, the Idea Management begins. This is a process within Idea Campaigns managed by Campaign Owners and is divided into four steps: Submission, Evaluation, Refinement, and Impact.   Submission: the step where users submit, champion, and comment on ideas before the target date.    Evaluation: the step where campaign …

Idea Management Read More »

To Delete an idea campaign go to your idea campaign page and click on Idea Settings.    Then, click the Delete button.

  Click on the Plus blue button to submit an Idea.    Edit the idea Title, Summary, Tags, and Files and click Save.

   Click on the Quicklinks button and open Idea Campaign settings.    In the Basic settings, insert the Title, Description, Tags, Deadline Submission, Impact Announcement Date, and choose the Privacy level of the campaign. Then, click on Create.   The creation process might take a couple of minutes. You can choose to Exit and Get Notified or Start Configuring …

Start a Campaign Read More »

Idea Campaigns allows top management to organize a call-for-ideas on strategic topics. It was designed to convert the ideation process into actionable outputs through a four-step management process: Submission, Evaluation, Refinement, and Impact.

The second step to enable Local Entities is to go to the Editorial Settings menu. Now the first section will be Local entities (selected by default), and in the following screen, first of all, please read the manual, click on the checkbox, and then click on “Enable local entities” button: After these set of actions, you …

Enable Local Entities in Editorial Settings – Second step Read More »

First of all, in order to enable Local Entities, someone that has an Administrator account in Settings > Security, has to go to Settings > Advanced Configuration > Advanced Settings > Enable Local entities, and click on the checkbox, then click on Save button. After this action, the option ‘Local entities’ will appear in the …

Enable Local Entities in Settings – First step Read More »

The best approach to allow external users into the platform in Kiosk Mode is to create a specific Appspace Intranet profile solely for external users. This way, it is possible to grant several accesses to specific workers or a team of workers that don’t have a regular profile. Start by creating a “Kiosk User Profile” …

Allowing External Users Read More »