Appspace Intranet

Appspace Intranet (Beezy)

The steps to enable the saved by users links (also known as My links) are:  1. Go to Editorial Settings2. Go to Discovery Cards3. Edit Quick Links4. Select the “Saved by users” tab 5. Enable the “Show this tab” switch, due it is disabled by default. When the switch is enabled, users can save and access their …

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The steps to set the mandatory links up by the Admin in Quick Links discovery card are: 1. Go to Editorial Settings 2. Go to Discovery Cards 3. Edit Quick Links 4. Select the “Recommended by Admins” tab Once there, we have several options. We can change the tab title. We can enable or disable …

Links – Recommended by Admins Read More »

Every Page has an About this Page section, that is automatically generated upon its publishing.   The About this Page section can display up to five different items: Contact: The user responsible for its content with a direct link to its profile. Published: Its publishing date. Last Update: The last time it was updated. Views: the number of visits.  …

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As a community owner, we can always relate one of our communities with another community that we own. The place to do it is in the Community settings page. Once the relationship is established, the owners of the other community with which you have related the community will receive a notification from Appspace Intranet. There …

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The Quick Links discovery card gives the user’s quick access to valuable resources and materials. This card has two different sections: The Recommended tab is set up by Admins, and it usually compiles access to critical corporate materials. My Shortcuts tab is set up by Users and compiles their favorite work-related links and resources. Please …

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The producedure for changing a user’s name is the following (for both cloud and on-premises): Change the login name in Active Directory. For cloud environments, you can also change the login name from Microsoft 365 Users management. If the user provider you have configured is Azure AD (you can check this at Settings > Profiles …

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The Related Pages widget allows users to connect different Pages across different Topics, through common Tags. To bundle Pages together, open a Page on Edit mode, and on the header of the page, click on Tags to use the hashtag box. Type the first two letters without the # symbol to select a tag from the list. If your tag …

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On Edit mode go to the Related files on the right side of the page. Use the Drag & drop, or the Browse files link to upload your file. You may attach multiple files at a time. Then click on the Update button. Please Note: Any changes on the source file will not affect the copy …

Related Files Read More »

To handle the communication singularities by the different entities, we need the Stories to be separated between Global and Local. Check the Stories section in the user manual for more details to know more about how to work and manage Stories. Have in mind that as an Admin you must change the link to Stories if you …

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  We can understand the archive feature as if we disable all the enabled modules of an entity, with the only difference that after a defined time (to be defined) all the content related to the entity, and the entity itself must disappear. We can archive a Local Entity in the edition modal dialog after accepting …

Archive and Unarchive a Local Entity Read More »