
This article illustrates the features available in this module and provides the introduction as well as instructions to configure and manage Cards as follows:

Convert (transcode) content such as word documents, spreadsheets, presentation slides, and also PDFs, into HTML-friendly cards directly in the Appspace Library

Appspace provides a simple workflow for content allocation and approval, where all content allocation must be approved by the Publisher before it can be published. This article provides information on the content approval process and instructions to configure advanced channel permissions. Content Approval Process The content approval process allows Publishers to configure user access to …

Advanced Channel Content Permissions & Content Approval Read More »

Add or edit content to any channel directly from the Employee App Portal, without the need to navigate back to the Appspace console.

Configure expiry dates for content added to the Appspace 8.0 content Library. With the newly redesigned Library module, improved operations and functionality provide the opportunity to add content or folders directly from the Library dashboard in several ways, or whilst editing any content.

Copy or duplicate content or content folders, within the same user library, or from one library to another, in Appspace 8.0.

Create and manage content folders in the Appspace content Library, With the newly redesigned Library module, create, share, move, rename, and download folders directly from the Library dashboard in several ways.

Download content or content folders in the Library, in Appspace 8.0, directly from the Library dashboard or whilst editing any content.

The Library gives users the flexibility to add externally referenced media files, inline HTML webpages, or externally referenced HTML pages in an advanced channel (sign). External content is not stored (preserved) in Appspace but rather just the URL to the content is stored and downloaded by the media players. The two ways to create web …

Create External Content (Legacy) Read More »

Content tags are used to organize, filter, and group content. Tags can be applied to all types of content such as images, videos, and even cards – from the library or when adding content directly to a channel.