
This content applies to all versions since version 4.3.0 Managing restricted topics Restricted topic creation In Pages settings > Topics > Category > Create topic, after clicking on the type selector will appear the CHOOSE AD GROUPS TO ALLOW ACCESS, and the CHOOSE EDITORS areas. After selecting any number of Groups(none, 1 or more) from …

Managing restricted topics and writing restricted pages Read More »

This content applies to all versions since version 4.3.0   Managing restricted channels Restricted channel creation In Stories settings > Channels > Category > Create channel, after clicking on the type selector will appear the CHOOSE AD GROUPS TO ALLOW ACCESS, and the CHOOSE EDITORS areas. After selecting any number of Groups(none, 1 or more) …

Managing restricted channels and writing restricted stories Read More »

Enable this feature Due to the complexity introduced with this feature, we add two settings to enable/disable the CREATION of restricted channels and/or topics. There will be two separate settings in Settings > General Settings > Other general settings Only after selecting the checkbox and Save, the creation of restricted will be possible. Then the respective Create channel/topic modal in …

Enable Restricted channels and topics Read More »

This content is valid for Cloud since version 4.2.0 When the account used to call the Appspace Intranet API through our Beezy.Client wrapper is secured with Multi-Factor Authentication we can’t use the PSCredential: Instead of using a PSCredential, since Appspace Intranet 4.2 we support MSAL to bypass this MFA scenario. What do we need to …

Use the Beezy.Client with MFA Read More »

This content is valid for Cloud since version 4.2.0 1. Create a Key vault (Note that Microsoft documentation could be outdated) 2. Access policy: grant secret permissions GET/LIST to the Appspace Intranet app service 3. To be able to find the Appspace Intranet app service managed identity you need to go here. 4. These are …

Enable and configure Key vault Read More »

This content applies to all versions since version 4.2.0 To enable the Folders features for one or more communities you should follow the next steps. Enabling Folders: 1st step In settings, in the section Basic configuration > Community features will find a new option, called Enable folders. It’ll be disabled by default.   After saving …

Folders Read More »

  Open the Page or Story in Edit mode, click on the Languages drop-down menu, click on Export Default Language.      Click on the Download button. After the export is complete, use the XLIFF file to proceed with its translation.     Once the translation is completed and converted into a new XLIFF file, …

Exporting content for external translation Read More »

The Appspace Intranet (powered by Beezy) weekly email digest compiles a summary of the activity that was posted in the communities that a user is subscribed to. (The important word here is subscribed, as this is a different concept to the follow or community membership, that it only applies to this email digest). A user can …

Configuring weekly email digest Read More »

Administrators are able to add a new user interface language in an Appspace Intranet installation that already has content created (communities, activities, etc.). Before doing that, please verify that the language is supported and also by your SharePoint infrastructure: In cloud environments, SharePoint Online supports all the languages that are supported in the Appspace Intranet. …

Adding a new language for user interface Read More »

This content applies to all versions since version 4.2.0 To enable folders in a community, access the Community settings, click on Tools and use the Folders switch button. To allow every community member to create folders, use the drop-down menu and select Everyone. To restrict folder creation of folders select Only owners. To finish the …

Enabling Folders in Communities Read More »