
Be careful! The Appspace Intranet (Powered by Beezy) does not support undoing the deletion of Stories. Deleting a Story deletes all the data in the database. Therefore, all images or files except text will be lost. However, the .aspx file in SharePoint contains the raw text.  You can find the Stories stored in SharePoint by …

Recovering deleted Stories Read More »

This content applies to all versions since Android version and iOS version 6.3.5 You can set the Custom praises in Settings > User interface > Praise icons schema JSON format expected for the Custom praises schema: This is the complete example of one praise with mobile resources and supported mobile language codes: [    …

Custom praises Read More »

This article is applicable to Appspace Intranet version 4.5.0 onwards. Stories and Pages use different editors, so there are some asymmetries when it comes to what gets translated and where. The differences are subtle, so, to help out, please consider the following compatibility table in which ‘Supports Auto-Translation’ means that the content gets translated and …

Differences between Stories and Pages Read More »

This article is applicable to Appspace Intranet version 4.5.0 onwards Customers that select this option in Settings will be prompted with a message bar/toast to optionally trigger an automatic translation when creating a new language version of a Story or Page, hence the name Opt-In path. Following the next example in the Spanish language, we …

‘On Demand’ (Opt-In) Translations Read More »

This article is applicable to Appspace Intranet version 4.5.0 onwards. In Appspace Intranet 4.5.0 we’re offering 2 different paths so users can Auto-Translate their Stories and Pages. On their core functionality, they basically do the same thing so it’s mostly about choosing the experience that works better for each organization. Let’s deep dive in each …

‘On Language Select’ (Opt-Out) Translations Read More »

This article is applicable to Appspace Intranet (powered by Beezy) version 4.5.0 onwards. Before we start using this feature within Appspace Intranet, admins need to guarantee that their organization has a valid API Key registered in Azure for its Translator. This is a critical pre-condition totally under the customer’s responsibility that, if it isn’t met, …

Setup and pre-conditions Read More »

This article is applicable to Appspace Intranet version 4.5.0 onwards. Appspace Intranet’s 4.5.0 release delivered a powerful new feature for Stories and Pages: Automatic Translations, also known as Auto-Translations. With it, you can have with just 1 click an entirely translated and formatted version of their original Story or Page within seconds! This feature leverages …

Overview Read More »

This article is applicable to Appspace Intranet version 4.5.0 onwards in the Modern Startpage in Cloud environments. The Presence Indicator will show up in the Newsfeed cards, Microprofile cards, and on the Comment section of the Startpage, being available in the 3 main tabs (Places, People and Discover) and upon filtering as well. Hovering the …

Integration with the Newsfeed Read More »

This article is applicable to Appspace Intranet version 4.5.0 onwards in the Modern Startpage in Cloud environments. This feature will be made available through a new setting introduced under ‘Global features’, specifically in ‘Other General Settings’. The new setting is named ‘Microsoft Teams user status in the Newsfeed’. There are a couple of things that …

Enabling Presence Indicator Read More »

This article is applicable to Appspace Intranet version 4.5.0 onwards in the Modern Startpage in Cloud environments. Appspace Intranet’s version 4.5.0 introduced a new feature that allows users to see their colleagues’ Microsoft Teams status when browsing through our Newsfeed, quickly letting them know if they’re available for a quick chat to follow up on …

Overview Read More »