
To access the Appspace Intranet (Powered by Beezy) you need to be logged into your SharePoint environment. The product that only operates within SharePoint, so therefore those users that have been granted access to the application and are logged into SharePoint will have a single sign-on (SSO) experience.

In some cases you don’t need a complete community to support your use case, but only a tool. This is what we call stand-alone tools. For example, if the CEO of a company wants to have a Blog but does not need the complete feature set of a community, he will be able to create …

Stand-alone wikis and blogs Read More »

The start page is the main entry point for application users. It can become the homepage of a modern digital workplace. Users can follow-up on what’s going on in their network, create new content using the ShareBox or (if they have the rights to do so) create new containers such as Communities, Town Hall, Blogs, …

Startpage Read More »

This page contains information highlighting a different behavior before and after release 4.7.0 Megamenu Appspace Intranet (Powered by Beezy) offers a highly configurable way to define the main navigation using the Megamenu in the page header. The items in the menu (next to the logo) can be configured to display either a mega dropdown (i.e …

Navigation Read More »

The intranet users in general are able to recommend any public or moderated community to their colleagues making adoption more viral and organic. The assigned colleagues, will then receive an email with the recommendation.   Community owners and Beezy Admins can invite users to join their moderated and restricted communities.   Users invited will receive a Beezy …

Inviting and recommending communities Read More »

This section applies only to v3.3.0 and higher.   This feature will allow users to share content easily from anywhere in the Beezy platform to a specific community. In any Beezy content card there is a “Share” option. When clicked, a new window will appear which will let users to choose in which community the …

Sharing content (draft) Read More »

For on-premises installations, Appspace Intranet traces all the application events to two sources: SharePoint Unified Logging System (ULS) (traces and errors) Windows Event Viewer (only errors) Traces are written to the ULS log files categorized with Product = Beezy. Administrators can apply this filter to select only the Beezy application events. Appspace Intranet recommends ULS …

Access and configure logs (On-premises classic) Read More »

After installing Appspace Intranet, administrators have to determine and configure what users will have access to the platform. The most basic scenario is granting access to the SharePoint site collections where Appspace Intranet is installed and let the users log in themselves into the system. Every time a user logs in, the Appspace Intranet profile …

Configure the basic permissions Read More »

This content applies to all versions previous to the 3.12.0 Since version 3.12.0 the Hero announcement was introduced to replace the global announcement. Administrators can display a global message that appears in all pages; this is commonly used for maintenance purposes or platform-wide communications. In order to do so, please go to Settings > User interface …

Enable global announcements Read More »

Appspace Intranet sends some predefined emails to users when a community has been requested/created, for invitations, daily/weekly digests, etc. Administrators can customize the look and feel of these emails using one of these two approaches: Changing the email logo: in order to specify a custom logo for emails (without changing anything else in the email …

Customize emails Read More »