
To access the Apps Menu, users have to click on the Apps button on the Megamenu. This section powered by the App Store provides three things: Access to the App Store: users can easily browse the Main categories and access the App Store overview page. This access is also available by clicking on View all …

Apps personalized menu Read More »

The App Store is a catalog of all the corporate tools and services that employees can use and have at hand within their Digital Workplace. It operates as a one-source-of-truth when it comes to vetted and supported tools. Apps can be filtered by clicking on the Categories on the right side of the page and …

App Store Read More »

This content applies to all versions previous to the 3.12.0 Since version 3.12.0 the Hero was introduced to substitute the Stories carousel. This article will guide you on configuring a personalized news carousel for your users right in your Start page. This carousel will be a combination of a Highlighted channel and featured Stories coming from …

Personalized Stories carousel Read More »

The Appspace Intranet (Powered by Beezy) does not allow users to be deleted, by product design. However, an administrator can set a user as inactive, browsing to Settings > Manage users and deactivating a particular user. When a user is inactive in the system, it does not appear in any public listings: they cannot be …

Setting users as inactive Read More »

You can run the following script from the installation folder to check the client secret expiration date of your Add-in: ./beezy-GetAddinExpirationDate.ps1 You’ll be prompted for the O365 tenant credentials and the output will contain the Beezy Add-in (Principal Name: Beezy) and the EndDate that is the expiration date of the Add-in Client Secret. If you …

Change Add-in client secret Read More »

Every Appspace Intranet installation comes with translations for many languages. In the Style Library/beezy/js/ folder of the Appspace Intranet site collection(s) there is a folder for each language that Appspace Intranet supports and, within each folder, there are two files responsible for the product translations. The beezy.i18n.js file contains the product translations and the beezy.branding.i18n.js allows you …

Customize product texts and translations Read More »

First of all, follow a site using the button on the right-hand side of the site banner image. The content of a site is classified into four tabs: 1.     Overview Find related sites in a hierarchical view, a contact for the site, and a brief description under “about”. Beneath you will find content of the …

Browsing a particular site Read More »

At the Editorial Settings, open the “Edit item” dialog box of any given node or subnode by clicking on its name. At this point, you add owners (is mandatory to have at least one).

Navigate to Editorial Settings in the Manage content menu. Only global administrators and community managers can access this option. Then click on “Org structure” to open the configuration canvas. Start adding, nodes and subnodes as needed. Bear in mind that categories will be browsed as tabs, while nodes and subnodes will be presented in a …

Creating an Organizational Structure Read More »

Categories are browsed as tabs, while nodes and subnodes will be presented in a collapsible structure. Below you can see categories displayed as tabs, and some collapsed nodes. These nodes can either be a Site or just a logical set of subnodes; while subnodes can, on their side, be either a Site or a new …

Navigating an Organizational Structure Read More »