News Card Release Notes

These release notes provide information on the new features, enhancements, resolved escalations, and bug fixes completed in each release for the News card, which is also an Appspace supported card.

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For each release, the updates are pushed to the card template in the Library. Cards created prior to the latest release will not receive the latest updates. To get the latest feature or bug fix for this card, the card must be recreated with the latest template.

v 1.1

Release Date: 28 May 2021
General Availability

The News card which has been under the Limited Release plan, is now available for the public. However, this card is a premium card, hence a content license subscription must first be purchased, prior to installing the card from the Appspace Library.

Updated Card Theme

The following updates have been made to the card theme:

  • The thumbnail image for the News card incorporates the Premium badge informing users that this is a paid template, and requires licensing.

    • For Appspace accounts that do not have sufficient licenses, the News card template will appear disabled, with an upgrade link displayed when hovering across the thumbnail image.
  • The card has been added under the Feed template type, and categorized under the Culture and Values content category.
  • The “Number of Posts to Display” label has been renamed to “Number of Stories Per Playback Loop” for better clarity on what the function does.
  • Support for international alphabets in the following languages, when entering keywords in the Exclude feature:
    • Spanish
    • French
    • Japanese
    • Arabic
    • Portuguese
    • German
Support for Caching

The card is now able to retrieve news articles from its local storage for display in the event the card is unable to retrieve the latest news articles from the source due to connectivity issues. The cached news articles will be displayed in the playlist channel until connectivity is restored and the news feed service is able to successfully retrieve the latest news articles once again.

Patch Updates

v 1.1.2

Release Date: 29 Oct 2021

Improved filtering for News Feed card
  • The News Feed card has been updated to include the PREMIUMCONTENT tag when filtering templates in the gallery. The News Feed card will now appear when filtered by either the NEWS or PREMIUMCONTENT filter tag.

v 1.1.1

Release Date: 1 Jul 2021

Resolved Bugs
  • NS-273 – The card title has been updated to display “News Feed” instead of just “News” in the Library.

v 1.0

Release Date: 16 Dec 2020

The News card is Appspace’s latest card installment, allowing organizations to display live news feeds keeping employees informed on the latest industry trends, financial markets, sports, or breaking news.

The first version of this card is an Appspace Limited Release feature. Contact your Appspace Customer Success Manager to be a part of this Limited Release program and use this card.

The following features and customizations are available on the News card:

  • Able to display news from various news providers from across the world, some of which are premium news providers.
  • Able to configure the following:
    • Number of Posts to Display, sets the number of news articles that will be retrieved from the selected news provider.
    • Post Duration, sets the duration of each post displayed.
    • Display Options, sets the content that is displayed on the card.
      • Enable Media – Allows media to be displayed.
      • Enable Provider Name – Allows the news provider name to be displayed.
      • Show Timestamp – Allows the time stamp of the posts to be displayed.
      • Keep Media Aspect Ratio – Displays the media in its original aspect ratio, with the background being a blurred version of the media.
      • Enable Transition – Allows transitions between posts.
  • Able to customize the text color, transition colors, and background color or media.
  • Able to filter news posts by entering keywords, which will automatically exclude posts containing the keywords to be posted.

For more information, instructions, and limitations, please refer to Cards: Display News Feed.