Video Stories

Video Stories allows writers to transform their stories into compelling narratives and increases the viewer’s engagement.


Creating a Video Story

To create a Video Story click on Add Video on the bottom right corner of the image holder. 


Add a Video.png


On the “Add a video to your story” modal window, insert the video’s URL, press Enter. 


Add a Video Link.png


Once the URL is validated (with a green check) and the video “cover” frame is displayed click on Add video.   


Validated Video.png


To change or edit the video URL, click on Edit Video on the bottom right corner of the image holder. To remove the video click on the Trash Can icon.


Video Stories.png

Click on the Image icon at the center of the header to upload your cover image.



Image with Play Button.png

Video Stories supports videos from streaming services like YouTube and Vimeo. It does not support video files (like mp4 per example). However, it supports other enterprise video services like MS Stream, Wistia, or Wave. Since version 4.2.0 it supports also Brightcove.


Visualizing Video Stories

Video Stories are identifiable by the white Play icon on the center of the Story’s image. Users can click on the Play icon and visualize Video Stories directly from Feed’s, Stories For You page, and Tag page without opening the actual Story. To open the full Story, click on the “Read the full story” button.    


Final Video Stories Image.png