Configure Security Settings

This section applies to Appspace Intranet 4.10 and higher.

Administrators will be able to manage the Appspace Intranet (Powered by Beezy) Security settings from a brand new view, designed to streamline the process of assigning user roles.

The Security settings page allows administrators to assign individual users to various user roles either through an Active Directory (AD) Group or as a Single member. With the incorporation of an intuitive autocomplete search element, locating and assigning roles to specific individuals has never been easier.

In order to access Security settings, please go to the SharePoint Site settings > Beezy settings > Security.

From here, click the security settings you wish to configure:

  • Administrator accounts
  • Editorial manager accounts
  • Read only user accounts

Enter the name of the individual user or AD Group you wish to assign the above user roles with, and click Save once you’ve done.