Related Pages

The Related Pages widget allows users to connect different Pages across different Topics, through common Tags.

To bundle Pages together, open a Page on Edit mode, and on the header of the page, click on Tags to use the hashtag box. Type the first two letters without the # symbol to select a tag from the list. If your tag is not on the list, finish writing your tag, and click Enter. Then click Save or Update.

The process of Relating Pages is automatic once a Page is tagged and published. Our product associates the Page with any other Page that has common taxonomy. The related pages are displayed and can be accessed through the Related Pages section.

Page 2.png

The relationship between Pages can be Reciprocal or Non-Reciprocal:

Reciprocal: Page A displays Page B and vice versa. To set this relation, both pages must have the same exact taxonomy.


Non-Reciprocal: Page A displays Page B, but Page B does not display Page A. This means that the taxonomy of Page A is reflected on the taxonomy of Page B, but the taxonomy of Page B is not fully reflected on Page A. To establish a Non-reciprocal relation between Page A and Page B, insert the taxonomy of Page A along with the taxonomy of Page B.


Please Note: The Related Pages Section automatically displays both relation types, the Reciprocal and Non-Reciprocal.