
This article is applicable to Appspace Intranet version 4.5.0 onwards.

Appspace Intranet’s 4.5.0 release delivered a powerful new feature for Stories and Pages: Automatic Translations, also known as Auto-Translations. With it, you can have with just 1 click an entirely translated and formatted version of their original Story or Page within seconds!
This feature leverages one of the best-in-breed translation services in the market right now – Azure Cognitive Services – and it’s compatible with the old editor in Pages and the new editor in Stories, which means that Stories were created with the old editor have to be upgraded before successfully auto-translating.
Additionally, the translation will always be made according to the content available in the defined default language, so no restrictions on doing it, for example, exclusively from English.
Let’s break Auto-Translation down to its 3 most important sections:
  • ‘On Language Select’ (Opt-Out) Translations;
  • ‘On Demand’ (Opt-In) Translations;
  • Differences between Stories and Pages;

For additional details on how to get the configurations up and running, please refer to our Operations Guide.