Browse and Navigate Appspace Employee App Portal

The Appspace Employee App portal is a web-based system for employees to view published corporate content, make workspace reservations, and reserve building passes.

Focused on employee communications and space reservations, the portal improves the traditional information sharing workflow across an organization, making it easy for employees to access information or make reservations from their computers, tablets, or mobile devices, regardless of where they are. We’ve also made it really easy for publishers to add content to any channel they have access to, directly from the portal, without the need to navigate back to the console.

Administrators may also brand the portal for their own organization by changing the theme color, logo, and home banner, with a myriad of options.

This article provides illustrations on navigating the Appspace Employee App portal, allowing employees to make reservations, and access corporate content that has been published to them either via the Appspace console, or directly from an enterprise messaging app, such as Slack, Webex Teams, and Microsoft Teams.

We also have an Employee App for users on mobile devices, making it easy for employees to access information or make reservations from anywhere.

What's New
Features release in Appspace 8.2 Andromeda

  • The new Explore section has been added, which contains topics, channels, and pages.
  • The new People section has been added, which is where you can view users and their profiles.

Portal Access

Employees with premium user licenses, can access the Appspace Employee App portal via the Appspace domain, or directly from content posted in an enterprise messaging app channel or chat room that has been configured with the Appspace publishing bot. In both instances, the employee must have an Appspace public/private cloud user account to login, and can only view content published to them or their user groups.

Administrators meanwhile, who have both the premium user licenses and platform user licenses, in addition to the above methods, will be able to access the portal from the Appspace console.

  • Employees: Log in to the Appspace domain with your Appspace credentials, and you’ll be redirected to the Employee App portal. 
  • Administrators: Log in to the Appspace console with your Appspace credentials, click your User Profile icon on the top right, and click the Switch to Employee App button.

    To return to the Appspace console, click the Switch to Admin Console button from the ☰ Employee App menu.
  • Enterprise Messaging App Channel/Chat: You may also access the Employee App portal from an enterprise messaging app, if the Appspace App publishing bot has been configured for this purpose. Click the title or thumbnail of the content posted to the enterprise messaging app’s chat window to launch the portal, and sign in with your Appspace credentials (on public/private cloud only).

    For specific instructions, refer to Slack, Webex Teams, or Microsoft Teams
The Employee App and Reservations features are only available on Appspace public/private cloud 8.0 and later. These features are not supported on 8.0 on-prem.

Layout & Navigation

The below illustrates the default dashboard display of the Appspace Employee App portal when viewed from a web browser.

Administrators may change the accent colour, add a logo, change the banner image/colour, and add/remove menu items, to match your company branding for this portal. For instructions please refer to Configure Employee App Theme, Branding, & Third-Party App Links.


The Global Search bar on the Home page of the Employee App is comprehensive and completely displays results of all types, ranging from topics, pages, channels, stories, and channel groups, to people, places, and reservations.

Additionally, under each tab and sub-tab, such as Places, Reservations, People, and Explore, you will have another localized search bar that will allow you to search for a resource specific to that section, such as a reservation or building pass under Reservations, or topics, channels, pages, and stories under Explore. See the individual sections below for more information.

The Employee App utilizes predictive search across all searches and displays results as soon as characters or numbers of the keyword are entered in the search field.


  • The menu is displayed at the top of the page in the portal. The menu items displayed are dependent on the features required by your organization. These sections can be toggled on and off by an administrator (refer to Note above).
  • The default menu contains all the following items:
    • Home – lists all the latest content posted to you or your user group.
    • Places – find buildings, and reserve a workspace or building pass.
    • Reservations – view and manage workspace reservations in a list view.
    • More
      • Visitors – displays the Visitor Management system to invite visitors to a meeting or event held at your company.
      • Explore – displays all topics, channels, channel groups, pages, and stories posted to you or your user group.
      • Videos – displays all videos posted to you or your user group.
      • Concierge – provides employees concierge permissions to view a calendar of all reservations under their purview. (requires concierge permissions).
      • Apps – displays third-party application links that are applicable to the employee’s needs.
      • People – displays users and their profiles within the organization.


The banner shows media content, a webpage, or even recently posted content.

Quick Post

Authors, Publishers, and Account Owners can quickly create posts, stories, and pages within the Appspace Employee App, resulting in an improved content creation workflow experience that allows authors to quickly post articles with text and media without leaving the Employee App (and go to the Appspace console). They can create a post or story, upload media, and publish it to a channel from the Home dashboard or any channel in the Employee App. The content of the post will be automatically translated to digital signage and enterprise messaging formats by the Appspace platform.

Similarly, AuthorsPublishers, and Account Owners can also create a page directly from the Home dashboard, to be published to users subscribed to that topic in the employee app.

Additionally, you have the option to create an event within your Employee App. Events and updates can be announced via posts on your Employee App in the News or Events sections, and Employee App users can indicate their attendance for events that require RSVP. You can also edit any of the posts that you are the author of.


Broadcasts are important messages published to the Appspace Employee App of teams and employees, such as emergency alerts and warnings, upcoming organizational events (for example, conferences or live town halls), or noteworthy company news. Publishers and Account Owners can create Broadcasts from the Appspace console, and send broadcast messages to the Appspace Employee App homepage of targeted users. Broadcasts will appear in one of two locations, depending on how the broadcast is configured:

  • Notification – The broadcast will be displayed as a message above the banner of the Employee App homepage.
  • Pinned Content – The broadcast will be displayed as pinned content below the quick post field on the Employee App homepage.

Broadcasts set as Critical will be prioritized before other broadcasts in their respective location.

Click the broadcast to view the entire message.

Featured Posts (New)

Featured posts are content that is created in quick posts, event posts, stories, or pages that are set to be featured and published in the Appspace Employee App. Authors, Publishers, and Account Owners who create posts, stories, or pages within the Appspace Employee App can set their content as featured on the Appspace Employee App homepage. Featured posts are displayed in two locations:

  • Featured section – Featured posts, pages, and stories are displayed in the Featured section above the quick post field on the Employee App homepage.
    In this section, featured content is displayed after critical and regular broadcasts.
    Click on View all to go to the Featured view, which lists all featured posts, stories, and pages in chronological order. This view allows you to perform the following options:
    • Select one of the sort options on the left bar to sort content by the latest (All) or Most popular.
    • Search the titles of featured content by clicking the search icon on the right, then entering a letter or keyword.
    • View tags related to featured content under the Tags section. Select a tag to view posts under the tag.
    • Click on a post, story, or page to view it in full.
  • Home content section – The post, story, or page is marked as Featured on the home content section on the Employee App homepage.

Click the content to view the entire post, story, or page.

My Workspace

The My Workspace section displays the building that is set as the home location of the employee, allowing employees to quickly create a building pass or a workspace reservation the same way they would at Places at the building they are most frequently working at.

Clicking the View All link redirects employees to the Building Pass, or Workspaces (if building pass is not enabled) sections on the Places tab.

This section is only available if Places is enabled by your organization.

Upcoming Reservations

Employees would be able to quickly view four of their current and upcoming building passes, or workspace reservations in this section. For current workspace reservations, they would be able to extend or end the reservation, while clicking the View All link redirects the employee to the Reservations tab.

This section is only available if Places is enabled by your organization.


The Home tab displays the latest posts, stories, and pages published to you or your user group. You may indicate your attendance for events that require RSVP, click content to view in detail, or select one of the listed channel groups on the right to view all content posted to that channel group.

You can identify Featured posts, stories, and pages in this section with the Featured mark. Click the Featured mark link to go to the Featured page which lists all featured content in chronological order.

Apart from viewing the latest content, you’ll also be able to make reservations and view your upcoming reservations for workplace resources that have been configured within your organization.

To view all other available content, or older content, go to the Channels or Video tabs (in the More section).


The Places tab includes two sub-tabs: Workspaces (default selected) and Building Pass.


The Workspaces tab will list your most recent building and workspace reservations/bookings, for easy access and quick reservations.

This section may be empty on first use if no reservations have been made thus far. However, if your home location has buildings with bookable resources, these buildings will always be listed at the top, regardless of reservation history.

  • Search – The search bar on the top menu bar is now localized to this Workspaces tab. Type in a letter or keyword to search for available buildings or resources. The search results will display all reservable and non-reservable resources, such as Rooms, Spaces, and even Points of Interest.
  • Building – Type in a letter or keyword, and select a building from the drop-down menu. Use the Date, Time, and Duration filters to narrow down your search for buildings. If your home location has buildings with bookable resources, these buildings will always be listed at the top.

Once you select a building, the building is displayed on the left, and all workspaces in that building are displayed on the right.

      • Filters – Narrow down the resources in your selected building based on the floor, zone, workspace type, resource status (Available/Unavailable), capacity, and facilities available in the resource.

        • Show Colleagues – Turn on this option to see which colleagues have booked which resource.
        • Recurring Reservation – Turn on this option if the reservation would occur periodically.
          Enter the number of times the reservation occurs in the Repeats every field and drop-down menu:
          • Day – The reservation occurs every set number of days.
          • Week – The reservation occurs every set number of weeks.
            • In the Repeats on drop-down menu, you may select if the reservation is repeated on the day of each week. For example:
                • Reservation is repeated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week.
          • Month – The reservation occurs every set number of months.
            • In the Repeats on drop-down menu, you may select if the reservation is repeated on the date, or day of each month. For example:
              • Day 6 – 6th of each month.
              • The first Sunday of each month.
          • Year – The reservation occurs every set number of years.
            • In the Repeats on drop-down menu, you may select if the reservation is repeated on the date, or day of each year. For example:
              • 6 June – 6th of June each year.
              • The first Sunday of June each year.
          • Select when the reservation Ends:
            • Never – The recurring reservation never ends.
              When set to Never Ends, the maximum recurring reservations will be determined by the reservations provider:

              • Appspace Provider: Maximum of 730 meeting instances, or meeting instances until the year 2100, whichever comes first.
            • After – The recurring reservation ends after the set number of occurrences.
            • On – the recurring reservation ends after the set date.
    • View More Info – Click this button to display more information about the building, such as capacity, number of floors, and any applied restrictions. You may also directly reserve a building pass to this building.
    • View Map – Click this button to display the floorplan in map view. The floorplan will display all available workspaces and resources on the selected floor (if applicable).
      On this floorplan view, you may do the following:

      • Search – Type in a letter or keyword to search for and display floors, workspaces, or people (colleagues) in this building. Use the Date, Time, and Duration filters to narrow down your search. New- Workspaces and people (colleagues) who are on a different floor from the one currently shown will also be displayed in the search result. 
      • Filters – Use the Filters button to narrow down the search based on the floor, zone, workspace type, resource status (Available/Unavailable), capacity, and facilities available in this building.
      • Floor Selection – Select an available floor to view the floor plan and all its available resources. If there are no floors in this building, this option will not be available.
      • Zoom – Use the + or buttons to zoom in or out.
      • Reset View – Reset to the default floorplan view.
      • Room Status Legend – indicates the colors for room status. These colors may be customized by an administrator to follow your organization’s preferences.
        New- The legend will only display colors and room statuses that are being used and hide those that are not being used.

Making a Reservation

Once you’ve found the desired resource either in normal view or the map view, you may reserve the resource. Refer to the Reserve a Workspace, Desk, or Room – Employees article for detailed instructions.

Building Pass

The Building Pass tab will list all the buildings available in your location. Each building block indicates the building name, location, and its status (Available, Unavailable, Restrictions).

You may search for a building with a letter or keyword, and select a building from the drop-down menu. Use the Date and Duration (Pass type) filters to narrow down your search for buildings. If your home location has a building with bookable resources, the building will always be listed at the top, regardless of reservation history.

Select any building to view more information and booking restrictions (if any), and directly book a building pass. Refer to the Reserve A Building Pass – Employees article for more information.



On the top menu, click More and select Reservations.

The Reservations tab lists all the reservations and building passes you have personally booked, or meetings that you have been invited to.

You can check, extend, or even cancel your reservations. Administrators are also able to make and manage reservations on behalf of someone else.

When you select a building pass or workspace reservation,  you may view the resource details, booking details, and the resource’s location on a map (if available). If you are assigned as an approver for a resource (such as location, building, workplace, or room) you are also able to view pending reservations and approve or decline them. (new)

You may also confirm the reservation by clicking Yes or scanning the QR code to check in. You may also extend or cancel the booking.

For more information, refer to either one of these articles:


On the top menu, click More and select Concierge.

The Concierge dashboard provides employees assigned with concierge permissions a calendar view of all reservations under their purview. Employees with concierge permissions are also able to view and manage reservations of workspaces in locations they have been assigned to.

  • Today – Click this button to bring back the calendar focus to the current time and date.
  • Day / Week / List (New) – Select one of the following options from the drop-down menu to display the calendar in the daily, weekly, or list view format.
  • Search – Type in a letter or keyword to search for a workspace or reservation.
    • If a workspace is selected, it will be added automatically to the calendar view if it wasn’t already.
    • If a reservation is selected, the reservation edit window will be displayed for viewing or editing.
  • Export (New) – Click the Export icon to export reservation records into an .xlsx format.
  • Reservation – Click a selected reservation to view additional reservation details, such as the organizer, attendees, and other additional information.

    When viewing the reservation details, you may do the following:
    • Edit icon or View More link – Edits the workspace reservation.
    • Delete icon – Deletes the workspace reservation.

For more information, refer to the articles below:


On the top menu, click More and select Visitor.

The Visitor dashboard displays the Visitor Management system used to invite external users (visitors) to a meeting or event held at your company. These visitors could be an employee from another facility, division, or subsidiary within your company or other corporate entities from outside the company. Event Hosts and Facilitators may do the following:

  • send an invitation to a prospective visitor.
  • check-in to a desired visitor invitation.

Refer to the following articles for more information:

Explore (New)

On the top menu, click More and select Explore.

The Explore tab displays the latest topics, channels, channel groups, stories (new), and pages that have been published to you or your user group. To filter the content type, select the Topic, Channel, Pages, or Stories sub-tab.

You can view topics, channels, pages, and stories that someone has authored by going to their People profile. You can also edit topics, channels, pages, and stories that you have authored from your own profile.

Follow and Unfollow Topics and Channels

In the Explore section, you can choose to follow or unfollow topics and channels under the All, Topics, and Pages tabs. Posts that are under followed channels will be displayed on the content of the Home screen, while Pages that are under followed topics will be displayed on the content of the Home screen.

Topics or channels that are mandatory to follow will display a lock icon. Unfollowing the topic or channel is not allowed.

You can follow or unfollow a topic or channel that has not had its follow setting locked:

  • To follow a topic or channel, move the mouse over it and click the Follow button.
  • To unfollow a topic or channel that you have previously followed, click the Following icon in the topic or channel and select Unfollow in the message box.


Click the Topics sub-tab to view all topics. You may click on the sort option on the upper-right to sort topics by the latest added, latest updated, ascending, or descending. On the right section, you can search for available topics by typing in a letter or keyword into the search bar, or filter topics by selecting the available tags under the Tags section.

You can follow and unfollow topics that are not set to mandatory. Refer to the previous section above.

Select a topic to view and navigate the pages under it. The topic view allows you to perform one of the following options:

    • Select one of the sort options on the left bar to sort pages by the latest, featured, most recently updated, or most viewed.
    • Follow or unfollow the topic by clicking the Follow option on the upper left of the screen.
    • Search for pages under the topic by typing a letter or keyword into the search bar on the right.
    • Select a tag under the Tags section to view pages that have the tag in the Pages tab.
    • Click on a page to view it in full.


Click the Channels sub-tab to view channel groups and channels. You may click on the sort option on the upper-right to sort the channels and channel groups by the latest added, latest updated, ascending, or descending. On the right section, you can search for available channels and channel groups by typing in a letter or keyword into the search bar, or filter them by selecting the available tags under the Tags section.

You can follow and unfollow channels that are not set to mandatory. Refer to the previous section above.

Select a channel group from the Group section (top), or select a channel from the Channels section to view content.

Channel Group

When a channel group is selected, the channels within the selected channel group will be listed on the right sidebar, while the channel content (such as quick posts and events) will be listed in the left section.


When a channel is selected, the channel will be displayed either in Feed view or Carousel view. These views are configured by an administrator in the Employee Mode settings when creating a channel. 

  • Feed – All content within the channel will be listed, allowing users to select specific content for viewing. This view allows you to perform the following options:
    • Search for posts within the channel by clicking the Search icon on the upper right and entering a letter or keyword.
    • Follow or unfollow the topic by clicking the Follow option on the upper left of the screen.
    • Select a sort option on the left bar to sort pages by latest (overview), featured, or most popular.
    • Users with Publisher or Editor permissions can edit a post using one of the editing options.
    • Select the icons under Publishers to list all the publishers of the channel in a window.
    • View the followers of the channel.
    • Select a tag under the Tags section to view posts that have the tag within the channel.
    • Like, comment, and share a post.
    • Click on a post to view it in full.
    • When you click any content, the content together with details such as title, article (description), and publishing details are displayed.
    • Users with Publisher or Editor permissions can edit the content by clicking the ellipsis icon and selecting Edit.
  • Carousel – In this format, all content within the channel will be displayed similar to how it will be viewed during device playback. This feature is only applicable and available for playlist channels.
    • You may click the thumbnail below this content to view the next content.

Add Content & Edit Channel

Account Owners, Publishers, or Channel Editors may edit content directly from the Employee App portal, without having to navigate back to Channels or Library in the Appspace console.


Click the Pages sub-tab to view all pages. You may click on the sort option on the upper-right to sort the pages by the latest added, latest updated, ascending, or descending. On the right section, you can search for available pages by typing in a letter or keyword into the search bar, or filter pages by selecting the available tags under the Tags section.

Click on a page to view it in full. The right section displays Details of the page (published date and time, number of views, the amount of time to read the article, and author), as well as its Tags.

The page view allows you to perform the following actions:

Stories (New)

Stories provide a richer medium for compelling and thoughtful articles that include elements such as text, photos, and videos to create content that drives employee engagement within the company. For more information on stories, refer to this article.

Click the Stories sub-tab to view all stories. You may click on the sort option on the upper-right to sort the stories by the latest added, latest updated, ascending, or descending. On the right section, you can search for available stories by typing in a letter or keyword into the search bar, or filter stories by selecting the available tags under the Tags section.

Click on a story to view it in full. The line below the header displays the author, published date and time, the amount of time to read the article, and number of views. The right section displays channels that the story is part of and the author.

The story view allows you to perform the following actions:


On the top menu, click More and select Videos.

The Videos tab simply displays a collection of all videos available in your app, from all the channels and channel groups assigned to you or your user group.

Each video block will include details such as channel name, video title, duration, publish date, and author name.

Simply click on any video block to view.


On the top menu, click More and select Apps.

The Apps dashboard displays links to third-party applications within the Employee App that are applicable to the employee’s needs. The Location Admin administer these links, which can target the entire organization or specific user groups, regions, or locations.

People (New)

 Go to the People section by clicking on the More tab and selecting People. The People tab displays the users within the current organization.

You may perform a search for specific users by typing in a letter or keyword into the search bar. In the upper-right, click on the sort option to sort people by the latest updated, most recently joined, or ascending, or click Filter to filter the people displayed based on job title and department.

User profiles that are set as Private will not be displayed in People or in searches.

The bar on the right displays the total number of people visible to the current user within the current organization. Below it, the people who are around you At Your Location (e.g. building or campus) are listed. Click Show all to view the entire list.

Contact a person

Move the mouse over the person’s profile and click the ellipsis to view the person’s contact options. You can select the option to send an email to the person, or to make a phone call if the person’s profile has phone contact information. Each option will use the default email application or phone conferencing application of the device being used.

View a person’s profile or edit your profile information

Click on the person to open the user’s Profile page. You may also click on your own profile to view and edit your own information, user icon, and background image (only your own profile is editable). Refer to the View People Profile and Edit Your Profile articles for more detailed instructions.

User Profile

The User profile window allows you to view your user information and do the following:

  • View the current user name and role.
  • View the Appspace account number
  • Switch to Admin Console – Only available to administrators.
  • Log out from the Employee App Portal.