Configure and Manage Workspace & Desk Reservations – Administrators

The Reservations module is ideal for configuring space reservations in a flexible, hybrid workplace. You can configure our system for reserving rooms, workspaces, desks, and even building passes for limiting access to offices on certain days.

You may choose to import room and other resource details from supported external calendar providers such as Google or Office 365, or simply add new resources using Appspace’s built-in calendar provider services introduced with this reservations system. The Appspace calendar provider will be ideal to add desks and points of interest (POIs) that are not available in a regular calendar provider.

Administrators can use our Locations module to upload floor plans to a building, campus, or individual floors, and map resources and points of interest to these floor plans and link them to the Appspace Reservations system. They can also choose to upload the floor plans in the Locations module, and thereafter do the resource mapping directly in the Reservations module. providing a clear visual guide and experience for employees and visitors when making reservations later on.

Space Reservation Elements

Account Owners or Location Admins will have the ability to establish a hierarchy of locations in the Appspace console, as a way to organize the geographical distribution of reservable resources.   Within Appspace, a resource is something that can be given a reservable status such as desks, rooms, or offices.

We recommend that this hierarchy closely represents your corporate environment/domain, allowing your end-users the ability to clearly recognize your locations, buildings, and floor plans and the reservable resources available to them.

This can be accomplished by creating your space reservation environment in the Reservations module using the following application elements:

  • Geo  – Geographical location (country, state, city, etc.). This is helpful for organizations that have multiple locations across the country and/or world.
  • Campus – A collection of buildings within a Geo location.
  • Building – Building(s), in which the reservable resources are located, are created within a Geo location or a Campus.
  • Floors/floor plans – Floors are located within a building and host the reservable resources. You may upload floor plan maps for each floor, in each building.
  • Points of Interest (POIs) – POIs are wayfinding identifiers such as the ATM, Elevators, Rest Rooms, etc.
  • Themes – You may configure the default colors which are applied to reservable spaces and points of interest within your floor plans. This makes it easy to identify the different resources available.

All administrative tasks are performed in the Reservations module in the Appspace console, as follows:

  • Create reservable resources – Import room resources from a calendar provider, or create them directly in Appspace.
  • Manage workspaces & resources Implement reservation rules, set employee permissions, manage reservations.
  • Upload floor plans and link resources – Upload floor plans and map workspaces to resources to provide a better visual guide and experience to employees and visitors.
  • Analytics & reports – Measure your workplace utilization, and monitor and track users’ access.

Once the system is set up, reservations can be made via the Appspace Employee App portal or the mobile device (Android or iOS), or via touch screen devices displaying the Room Schedule card or the Schedule Board card.

The Employee App, Reservations, and Enterprise Messaging App features are only available on Appspace public/private cloud 8.0 and later. It is not supported on 8.0 on-prem.

This article provides administrators with the instructions to configure workspace resources, rules, and permissions in the Reservations module.


What's New
  • The Office Hours feature released in Appspace 8.2 Andromeda, allows administrators to determine the organization’s office hours.
  • Support for Multiple Constraints Rules with Different Active Periods, allows multiple constraints of the same type to be used in a single resource.
  • The new Recurrent Meeting constraint, provides the ability to configure recurrence limits for each resource.
  • New Settings to configure the Conferencing Integration passports.


If using the room scheduling cards for single-room or multi-room bookings on touch-screen tablets or boards with this Reservations system, Schedule Board Card v 1.12.0 or Room Schedule Card v 1.15.0 and later are required.

Configure Reservations System

To configure resources for reservations, you may choose to connect to an Appspace supported calendar provider used by your organization, to import, configure, and enable booking for corporate meeting rooms and such. 

To enable reservations for hot desks, huddle spaces, or any points of interest (POI), which don’t typically exist as a resource in the calendar provider configuration, you can create the resource directly in the reservations system using the Appspace calendar provider.

Calendar Provider

Skip this section if you plan to create resources utilizing the Appspace calendar provider, and proceed to the Create Resource section below.

To use resources from an external calendar provider such as Office 365 or Google Calendar, a provider must first be added into the Reservation resources module by creating an authentication passport to enable a secure connection between Appspace and the calendar provider.

Reservations that have more than one resource workspace (multi-resource reservations) can only support resources from one external calendar provider. Multiple external providers are not supported.

Authenticate Calendar Provider

Follow the instructions below to create an authentication passport for your desired calendar provider:

Appspace Account Owner or Publisher permissions are required. If you do not have the required permissions, you may still create the passport by clicking the Set up a new passport link when configuring the calendar provider for Reservations.
  1. Log in to your Appspace console.
  2. Click the ☰ Appspace menu, and click Integrations.
  3. Click the Passports tab, and click the +ADD button.
  4. Select one of the following calendar provider passports, and click Next:
    • Google Calendar 
    • Office 365
  5. Proceed to select the required permissions for the calendar provider passport as described below:
    • Google Calendar

      • Admin – Admin permission gives Appspace access to GSuite calendar resources based on the permissions of the service account you use to authorize the passport. This will require the service account to be added as a full delegate to each calendar resource needed to sync the information from and to Appspace and G Suite.
      • Basic – Basic permission uses the user permission model and is very similar to the Admin Permission option, however, this option only includes access to users’ calendars based on delegated access to each user’s calendar.
    • Office 365

      • Application Permissions – Application permissions are the recommended approach to connecting Appspace to Microsoft Office 365 as this will natively allow you to sync any meeting room calendar resource to Appspace. You will also have the ability to use the Outlook Add-in and book on behalf of features within the Appspace platform without having a complicated O365 configuration.
        You will still have full control over the resources you would like to sync when setting up the provider. You can also use Microsoft Application Access policies configured in O365 to restrict the scope that the Appspace application has access to.
        Application permissions enable apps to run without a signed-in user present, allowing it to run in the background. An administrator account however is needed to just authenticate this passport and the permissions.
      • Delegated Permissions – Delegated permission gives Appspace access to Microsoft Office Calendar Resources based on the permissions of the service account you use to authorize the passport. This will require the service account to be added as a full delegate to each calendar resource needed to sync the information from and to Appspace and Office 365. This can include Meeting Room Calendars as well as possibly users’ calendars if utilizing the Outlook Add-in and book-on-behalf feature.
      • User Permissions Only (Does not sync resources ) – User permissions uses the delegated permission model and is very similar to the Delegated Permission option. But this option only includes access to users’ calendars based on delegated access to each user’s calendar. Use this option if you want a dedicated passport for the Outlook Add-in and book-on-behalf.
  6. Click CONNECT.
  7. Proceed to authenticate the passport, and grant permissions to access the calendar provider account. You may be required to sign in with your calendar provider credentials if you are currently signed out.
  8. Follow the on-screen instructions to continue to configure the calendar provider passport.
  9. Once authenticated, in the Account Settings tab, you may perform the following actions:
    • Change the name of the passport, by entering a different name in the Name field.
    • View the Account ID of the passport.
    • View the App Permissions granted to the passport.
    • View and refresh the Status of the passport.
    • Remove the passport, by clicking the Remove Account button.
  10. In the Permissions tab, you may grant the following users or user groups permissions to view or edit this passport configuration at any time:
    • Enter and select the user(s) or user group(s) from the drop-down list, or click the Find users or user groups link, and select the desired user(s) or user group(s). Proceed to grant either Can Manage or Can View permissions by clicking the Select permissions drop-down menu.
    • You may also view or remove the user(s) or user group(s) that have already been granted permissions, by clicking the delete icon.
  11. You may proceed to the Configure Calendar Provider Integration For Reservations section below.

Configure Calendar Provider Integration For Reservations

Follow the instructions below to configure the authentication passport for your desired calendar provider:

  1. Log in to the Appspace console.
  2. Click Reservations from the ☰ Appspace menu, and click the Resources tab.
  3. Click the + CREATE button arrow, and select Add Provider.
  4. Click the CREATE PASSPORT button to create a new provider or select your provider from the Select Provider drop-down menu.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Proceed to Configure Locations, by selecting one of the following options for the building resources:

    • Do not Import
    • Import as a new building – If this option is selected, proceed to select the location the building will be created in.
    • Import to an existing location – if this option is selected, proceed to select the building the resources will be imported to.
      Each building displays the number of floors and resources it has been configured with. When importing the resources, you have the option to import the resources from a particular floor, and to either have these resources newly created or added to an existing floor in your building in Locations.
  7. Once done, click Next.
  8. The Configure Resources section displays all resources that will be added. Optionally you may use the filter to further narrow the resources to be imported.
  9.  Once all resources have been confirmed, click the Import button. The imported resources will be displayed in the Resources tab.
  10. If you chose to create new resources, proceed to Step 4 in the Create Resource section below.

Update/Re-Sync Calendar Provider Data

Once you have imported resources from a supported calendar provider and created bookable resources that are then assigned to various buildings or floors, you may choose to periodically sync the calendar provider resources with the Appspace Reservations system. 

Account Owners or Location Admins will have two options to update resources for a calendar provider:

  • Manage provider – set or update import rules and configure how resources from your calendar service are imported to a location or building. This option will re-run the rules engine.
  • Trigger resync – trigger an automatic resync of resources from your calendar provider. This option checks for changes in the calendar service, and only updates the changes (resources added or removed).

When you update or sync the calendar provider service, only new resources are updated, ensuring existing resource configuration and mappings remain intact, with the following rules: 

  • If there is an existing resource, the building and floor ID will not be updated.
  • If the resource does not exist, the building and floor ID is set based on the sync rule.

If the calendar passport has been deleted or the resource do not match during sync, or experience a sync issue, the Reservations system will display an alert icon next to the affected calendar provider or resources:

Below are the expected behaviors in the event a calendar provider passport is removed:

  • If the calendar provider passport gets unauthenticated from the Integrations >Passport module, all related resources will be intact but require re-authentication by the administrator.
  • If the calendar provider passport is deleted from the Integrations > Passport module, all related resources will be disconnected, but not deleted.
  • If the calendar provider passport is deleted directly from the Reservations module, all related resources will not be deleted.

Follow the instructions below to update or resync your desired calendar provider data:

  1. Log in to the Appspace console.
  2. Click Reservations from the ☰ Appspace menu, and click the Resources tab.
  3. Click the ellipsis of the desired calendar provider, and select one of the following options:

    • Manage provider
      1. In the Configure Locations screen, select one of the following options for the resources you wish to update:

        • Do not Import
        • Import as a new building – If this option is selected, proceed to select the location the building will be created in.
        • Import to an existing location – if this option is selected, proceed to select the building the resources will be imported to.
          Each building displays the number of floors and resources it has been configured with. When importing the resources, you have the option to import the resources from a particular floor, and to either have these resources newly created or added to an existing floor in your building in Locations.
      2. Once done, click Next.
      3. The Configure Resources section displays all resources that will be added. Optionally you may use the filter to further narrow the resources to be imported.
      4. Once all resources have been confirmed, click the Import button. The imported resources will be displayed in the Resources tab.
    • Trigger resync
      • The Appspace console will initiate a resync with your desired calendar provider, which may take up to 15 mins to be completed.


Create Resource

Follow the instructions below to create a resource:

  1. Select the Resources tab on the Reservations dashboard, click the + CREATE button, and select Create Resource.
      • Name – Enter a name for the resource.
      • Type – Select Room or Space type.
      • Subtype – Select a sub-type for the resource. The options listed differ based on the Type (Room/Space) selected above.
      • Location – Select the building, campus, or floor, where the resource is located from the location tree.
      • Status – Select the status of the resource i.e. Active, Inactive, Inherit.

        Administrators have the ability to set the Floor Status to Inactive, which hides the floor, and corresponding inactive resources from being displayed and listed in the Map view on the Employee App.
      • Office Hours (New) – Set the office hours for the resource. When reserving the resource, you can set the Duration of the reservation to office hours. 
        • Inherit – The office hours are inherited from the building or location level (parent resource). If there are no office hours to inherit, the setting would default to 9 am to 5 pm.
        • Custom – Manually set the office hours for the resource.
          In the Create Resource window, enter the following details:
      • Reservable – If you want this resource to be reservable in the Employee App, slide the slider to YES to enable it. If the resource is disabled (default), users may still view the resource displayed on the map, but will be unable to reserve it. If an external provider is used, this option is disabled by default and follows the external provider’s default configuration settings.
  2. Capacity – Enter the maximum number of attendees that are able to attend or fit in the resource room or space. The Add attendees field will be disabled if the resource capacity has been configured to be equal or less than two (2).
    • All Resources – If left unconfigured or blank, it would default to zero (0), and the in-person capacity will not be enforced. When making reservations, users will be able to add one or more in-person attendees to the reservation.
    • Desk Resources – If left unconfigured or blank, it would default to one (1), and the in-person capacity of one (1) will be enforced. When making reservations, users will be able to add only one in-person attendee to the reservation.
  3. Amenities – Type in any amenities that are available in this resource, such as wifi, whiteboards, projectors, etc. Press Enter on the keyboard after each keyword to add multiple words.
  4. Floorplan Location – Click the Set Location link to identify and select this resource on a map. If there is no floorplan configured prior to this, skip this step now. You may come back and update this section after you Add Reservable Resources to Floorplan.
  5. Photo – Upload an image of the resource.
  6. Notes – Enter additional notes regarding the resource.
  7. The QR Code Settings for the resource is set to Inherit (Enabled) by default, and can be disabled from the drop-down menu.
  8. Click the CREATE button.
  9. To edit or update this resource click the resource name in the Resources tab on the Reservations dashboard.
  10. Select the General tab to make any edits. See descriptions in Step 2 above for details.
  11. You may now PRINT or DOWNLOAD the resource QR Code for reservations.
  12. Click SAVE to make changes.
  13. Proceed to the Configure Resource Rules section below.

Import Resources

Follow the instructions below to import resources from a .xlsx file:

  1. Log in to the Appspace console.
  2. Click Reservations from the ☰ Appspace menu, and click the Resources tab.
  3. Select the Location you wish to import the resources to.
  4. Click + CREATE, and select Import Resources.
  5. In the Import Resources screen, you may drop the resource file containing the resources, or click the Browse link to select the resource file.
  6. Once the resource .xlsx file has been added, the Import Resources screen will display the summary of resources that will be imported to Reservations. Here, you may identify if the imported resource is a new resource, an update to an existing resource, or if the resource is invalid due to an incorrect value.
  7. Proceed to also select the default building or floor from the drop-down menu, to import the resources to, if the Location for the resource was provided in the resource .xlsx file.
  8. Once done, click Import to confirm importing the resources.

Export Resources

Follow the instructions below to export resources from a .xlsx file:

  1. Log in to the Appspace console.
  2. Click Reservations from the ☰ Appspace menu, and click the Resources tab.
  3. Select the Location you wish to export the resources from.
  4. Click + CREATE, and select Export Resources.
  5. The resources file will be automatically downloaded to your default download folder with the .xlsx file extension.
  6. Listed below are the Resources that may be found in the.xlsx file:
    • ID
    • Name
    • Type
    • Subtype
    • Location ID
    • Location Identifier
    • Location Name
    • Floor ID
    • Floor Name
    • Zone ID
    • Zone Name
    • Status
    • Capacity
    • Reservable
    • Facilities

Configure Resource Rules

Constraints and Checkpoints

A constraint is a rule that limits or controls how end-users can interact with a reservable resource.  It can define maximum reservation duration, capacity limits, or the requirement to impose check-in. Below is a list of constraints available:

  • Min advance reservation period
  • Max advance reservation period
  • Min reservation duration
  • Max reservation duration
  • Max capacity
  • Min duration between reservations
  • Only available on specific days / times
  • Recurring reservation limits (New)
    Currently, the default maximum meeting recurrences that can be configured is 730.

    • If the Default Recurrence > the Max # of Recurrences, then the Max # of Recurrences will be increased to match the Default Recurrences.
    • If the Max # of Recurrences < the Default Recurrence, then the Default Recurrences will be decreased to match the Max # of Recurrences.

  • Concurrent reservation limits (New)
  • Requires Check-in
  • Zombie Meetings – Unattended Recurring Meetings
    Administrators may now set a constraint to auto-cancel future recurring meetings and send a notification to meeting organizers after an (X) number of consecutive recurring meetings are missed or unattended.
    Thus, when an organizer sets a recurring meeting, but fails to check-in resulting in an auto-cancellation for that meeting, and if repeated an X number of times consecutively, then all future recurring meetings will be automatically canceled, and a notification sent to the organizer.
    However, if a check-in does occur within an X number of times, then the missed meeting counter resets to zero (O). This also applies to recurring meetings that are manually canceled a day in advance.
  • In-Person QR Code Actions 
    Administrators may now set constraints to ensure resources are only reserved, checked-in, extended, etc via the Room Scheduling QR Code only when the employee is physically at the location. Attempts to check-in via the Employee App will be denied.
    This constraint is only supported on resources created by the Appspace provider.

A checkpoint is a rule designed to provoke interaction with the end-user. Information can be displayed or an acknowledgment may be required before a team member can reserve the resource.

How the Checkpoint and Constraint rules work:

  • A rule targets specific users or user groups. If no target is selected, the rule applies to all.
  • A rule can be applied more than once e.g. the “Restricted Days/Times” constraint applied twice but with different targets. If same targets, the target’s existing rule is overwritten.
  • If a user is targeted by multiple rules of the same type, the following logic is applied.
    • Priority
      • The inherited rule is lower in priority than the direct rule.
      • The target user is higher than the target user group that the user belongs to.
      • If priority is the same, then the last rule created (sort based on date) is used.
    • These rule types are replaced based on priority:
      • Min durationmax durationmin book timemax advance book timecapacity.
    • These rule types are replaced based on the OR rule:
      • Restricted Days/Times
Create Constraint Rule

Follow the instructions below to configure constraint rules for any building, floor, zone, or resource:

  1. In Reservations, click the Resources tab, and select a specific resource, or location to configure the constraint rule.
    • To configure a constraint rule on a specific resource, click the resource name from the All Resources listing page.
    • To configure a constraint rule on a location (all resources within the location will inherit the constraint rule), click the ellipsis of the selected resource from the location tree in the side panel, and click Edit.
  2. In the Edit resource window, select the Rules tab to configure the resource rules, or to view inherited rules.
  3. Click the ADD button or the + icon to create a rule for the resource.
  4. In the Create Rule window, select Constraint as the Category type. Constraints will be processed when employees search for and attempt to reserve an available resource.
  5. Select a constraint Type from the drop-down menu, and proceed to configure the constraint fields based on the type selected:
    • Min / Max advance reservation period, Min / Max reservation duration, or Min duration between reservations
      • Duration – Enter the Duration of how long the constraint is.
      • Booking Period – Select if the booking period Must Start Before or Must Be Complete By, the advanced reservation period. This field is only available when Max advance reservation period is selected.
    • Max capacity
      • Capacity – Enter the Capacity value, and select if the value is based on per person or percentage from the drop-down menu. This field is only available when Max Capacity is selected.
    • Only available on specific days / times
      • Setup Availability  – Select the timeblocks where reservations will be permitted. 
    • Recurring reservation limits (New)Administrators can establish limits for recurring reservations, including setting the maximum number of recurrences, suggesting default recurrence options, and enabling or disabling never-ending recurring events.
      • Default Recurrence: How many recurrences will be suggested to users when booking this room.
      • Max # of Recurrences: The maximum number of recurrences that will be permitted to be scheduled. Doing it will remove the never-ending option in the reservation panel.
      • Max Time period: Define for how long a recurrence sequence can span out. 
    • Concurrent reservation limits
      • Administrators can customize the system to limit the number of concurrent users who can reserve Spaces, Rooms, or Points of Interest.
    • Requires Check-in
      • If a check-in rule is created for a resource when the Allow Before time has passed for an event, the rule is bypassed and the resource is automatically set to checked-in for the current event.
      • If the reservation is set to Office Hours, the reservation will start at the beginning of Office Hours for the resource. Thus the check-in time (Allow Before and Timeout After) will follow the beginning of office hours.
      • In a reservation that has more than one resource (multi-resource reservation), the organizer will be able to view the check-in status of all the scheduled resources and will see an asterisk (*) next to their assigned resource. The organizer will also have the option to check in for all resources. Attendees will only be able to check in their assigned resources.
      • In a reservation that has more than one resource (multi-resource reservation), if a resource needs to be checked in but isn’t
        • The resource will be removed from the event. The organizer and attendees will be notified of this via email.
        • In-person attendees assigned to the resource will be converted to virtual attendees.
        • The multi-resource event is not affected and the status remains as confirmed.
      • If all resources except one have been removed or canceled, and the remaining resource needs to be checked in but isn’t, the event will be automatically canceled. The organizer and attendees (including virtual attendees) will be notified via email.
      • Allow Before – Enter the number of minutes the Check-in option will be displayed before the reservation starts.
      • Check-in Action
      • Timeout After – Enter the number of minutes the Check-in option will timeout after the reservation starts.
      • Timeout Action – Select the Timeout Action from the dropdown menu.
    • Zombie Meetings
      Administrators may now set a new constraint to auto-delete or send a notification to the meeting organizer, when zombie meetings occur, with the option to set when the constraint will be triggered (i.e. cancellation of multiple consecutive meetings after X number of times). 
      Thus, when an organizer sets recurring meetings, but does not check-in resulting in auto-cancellation for that date, and this is repeated X number of times for the same meeting, then all the recurring meetings are either auto-deleted or a notification is sent to the organizer.

      • In a reservation that has more than one resource (multi-resource reservation), if a resource within a multi-resource event hits the maximum number of allowed consecutive misses, resulting in auto cancellation:
        • The resource will be removed from the event. The organizer and attendees will be notified of this via email.
        • In-person attendees assigned to the resource will be converted to virtual attendees.
        • The multi-resource event is not affected and the status remains as confirmed.
      • In a multi-resource reservation, if all resources except one have been removed or canceled, and the remaining resource hits the maximum number of allowed consecutive misses, the event will be auto-canceled. The organizer and attendees (including virtual attendees) will be notified via email.
      • After – Enter the number of missed consecutive meetings before executing the action.
      • Action – Select the action to be taken:
        • Auto cancel the recurring event series.
        • Send a notification to the organizer.
      • In-Person QR Code Actions

        Administrators may now set constraints to ensure resources are only reserved, checked-in, extended, etc via QR Code only when the employee is physically at the location.
        This constraint only supported on resources created by the Appspace provider.

        • Action – Select the action to be taken:
          • Create 
          • Edit / Extend
          • Cancel
          • Check-In
          • End
  6. In the Target Resource drop-down menu, select the location or resource type the constraint rule applies to. Multiple locations or resource types may be selected from the drop-down menu. This field is hidden if you’re configuring the constraint rule for a specific resource.
    • Buildings
    • Floors
    • Zones
    • Rooms
      • Sub-Types – You may narrow down the list of resources the constraint rule is applied by selecting the desired Room Sub-type from the drop-down menu.
    • Spaces
      • Sub-Types – You may narrow down the list of resources the constraint rule is applied by selecting the desired Spaces Sub-type from the drop-down menu.
  7. In the Target Users field, enter the user or user groups the constraint rule applies to. This field is hidden if Max Capacity is selected. 
  8. In the Active Period calendar field, select the start and end date of the constraint rule duration.
  9. Enter a Description for the constraint rule.
  10. Click the ADD button.
  11. Once a constraint rule has been added, click SAVE in the Edit resource window.
Create Checkpoint Rule

Checkpoints configured here will be displayed to the employee during a reservation or check-in.

You can set the type of checkpoint for the reservation:

  • At reservation – the checkpoint rule is set when the reservation is created for the resource.
  • On-demand (Services) – the checkpoint rule is optional when first creating the reservation and can be added later (but not removed) when editing the reservation. When creating the reservation, these checkpoints will be displayed as options under the Services section. The checkpoint rule is only applicable to the meeting organizer and only the meeting organizer will be able to view these options and receive notifications from the checkpoints. – New Feature

Below is a description of the types of checkpoints you can configure:

  • Consent –  Input the text for a consent form that will be displayed during a check-in/reservation. The employee/visitor must choose to either Accept or Decline the content of this form during a reservation. If the consent form is declined by the employee, they cannot proceed with the check-in/reservation.
  • Notice – Input the text for a notice that will be displayed during a check-in/reservation. The employee only needs to read the text and click Done to proceed with the reservation/check-in.
  • Form – Include a custom card or a URL (HTTPS recommended) pointing to a form, both with a checklist that returns data for validation. During a check-in/reservation, the checklist form is displayed, and the employee must select the options for each item, and click Submit. If the user does not meet any one of the items listed in the checklist, they cannot proceed with the check-in/reservation.
    Multiple checkpoints can be added to any check-in or reservation/booking. During a check-in/reservation, the checkpoints will be displayed in sequence. If the user declines or does not meet one or more of the checkpoints, the check-in/reservation will be declined.

Options for configuration checkpoints on the Room Booking card are as follows:

  • Resource checkpoints will only be shown if they match the following conditions:
    • Applies to > “All”
    • Valid From
    • Valid Until
    • Active Period
  • Inherited checkpoints will only be shown if they match the following conditions:
    • Valid From
    • Valid Until
    • Applies to > “All”
    • Target Resources > “Rooms” / “Spaces”
    • Active Period
    • Sub-Types > applicable only if the resource subtype matches

Follow the instructions below to configure the checkpoint:

    1. In Reservations, click the Resources tab, and select a specific resource, or location to configure the checkpoint.
      • To configure a checkpoint on a specific resource, click the resource name from the All Resources listing page.
      • To configure a checkpoint on a location (all resources within the location will inherit the checkpoint), click the ellipsis of the selected location from the location tree in the side panel, and click Edit.
    2. In the Edit resource window, select the Rules tab to configure the resource rules, or to view inherited rules.
    3. Click the ADD button or the + icon to create a rule for the resource.
    4. In the Create Rule window, select Checkpoint as the Category type. Checkpoints will be processed and displayed to the employee during a reservation or check-in.
    5. Select when the Checkpoint should be displayed. Default is At reservation.
    6. Select a checkpoint type under Requirements. The employee will need to fulfill this requirement before being able to make a reservation or check-in via the Appspace Employee App (as described above):
      • Consent (Agree/Disagree) – The consent form must be declined or accepted by the user before proceeding with check-in/reservation.
      • Notice – A notice is displayed to the user. The check-in/reservation will proceed once Done is clicked.
      • Form – A validation form is displayed, and the employee must pass the validation to proceed with check-in/reservation.
    7. Select the desired Document format for entering the checkpoint requirement information:
      • Rich Text – Enter the desired text using the rich text editor.
      • Web URL – Enter the website URL link that would be displayed to the user.
      • Content – Select content from the Library that can return a validation such as a Custom Form Card.
        • It is recommended that Web URL links are in HTTPS.
        • If using the Form option, we recommend using only the Web URL or Content document format at this point. Ensure the Web URL website or Content using a custom card is able to return a Pass or Fail validation in order for the checkpoint to proceed.
    8. In the Checkpoint Name field, you may provide the name and description of the checkpoint that will be shown during the checkpoint.

    9. In the Target Resource drop-down menu, select the location or resource type the checkpoint applies to. Multiple locations or resource types may be selected from the drop-down menu. This field is hidden if you’re configuring the checkpoint to a specific resource.
      In a reservation that has more than one resource (multi-resource reservation), in-person attendees will receive, see and fill checkpoints only for their assigned resources.
      • Buildings
      • Floors
      • Zones
      • Rooms
        • Sub-Types – You may narrow down the list of resources the checkpoint is applied to by selecting the desired Room Sub-type from the drop-down menu.
      • Spaces
        • Sub-Types – You may narrow down the list of resources the checkpoint is applied to by selecting the desired Spaces Sub-type from the drop-down menu.
    10. In the Target Users field, enter the user or user groups the checkpoint rule applies to.
    11. In the Applies To drop-down menu, select if the checkpoint rule is applied to the following:
      • All
      • Attendees Only
      • Organizers Only
    12. Select the Organizer Compliance: Optional or Required.
    13. Select the Attendee Compliance: Optional, Remove Attendance, or Required.
      When Remove Attendance is selected, if the attendee does not complete the checkpoint during a reservation, the attendee will be removed from the attendees list. If completed, a QR code is generated for reservations.
    14. Select the Attendee Type: All, Appspace Users Only, or Visitors Only.
    15. The Visitor Types option is available if Attendee Type is selected as All or Visitors Only. Click to select the visitor types that the checkpoint rule will apply to (you can select more than one option).
    16. In the Interval Frequency field, select days, hours, or minutes. This will determine at which interval or how often you are required to complete the checkpoint document when reserving a resource.
    17. In the Valid From field, select the duration in days, hours, or minutes, to determine when the checkpoint is in effect before the start of the event.
    18. In the Valid Until field, select the duration in days, hours, or minutes, to determine when the checkpoint is in effect after the start of the event, before the start of the event, or after a checkpoint is valid. Ideal for displaying a checklist a few days prior to a meeting.
      • Ensure the Valid Until value is less than the Valid From value date to be able to create a checkpoint.
      • If the Valid Until value is the same or greater than the Valid From value date, the Valid Until value will be automatically updated to be less than 10 mins from the Valid From value date.
      If a reservation is set to Office Hours, the event will start at the beginning of Office Hours for the resource. Thus the time the checkpoint is in effect (Valid From and Valid Until) will follow the beginning of office hours.
  1. In the Active Period calendar field, select the start and end date of the checkpoint duration.
  2. Enter a Description for the checkpoint rule.
  3. Click the ADD button.
  4. Once a constraint or checkpoint rule has been added, click SAVE in the Edit resource window.
  5. Proceed to the Configure Resource Permissions section below.
Create Approval Workflow (New)

Approval workflows enable organizations to specify that meeting organizers must go through an approval process when attempting to reserve certain resources (e.g., rooms, workplaces, buildings, or locations). Administrators can configure an approval workflow for a resource similar to a rule/constraint, and assign approvers for the resource.

Users must possess premium licenses to be designated as approvers.

The approval workflow is started when the organizer creates the reservation for a resource that requires approval. The assigned approver is notified that the reservation is pending approval and can choose to approve the reservation of the resource or decline it.

When the allocation is approved, the resource status is changed from pending approval to reserved. The organizer is notified through email that the reservation is approved.

Follow the instructions below to add and configure approval workflow rules to a resource:

  1. In Reservations, click the Resources tab, and select a specific resource, or location to configure the approval workflow.
    • To configure the approval workflow for a specific resource, click the resource name from the All Resources listing page.
    • To configure the approval workflow for a specific resource for a location (all resources within the location will inherit the workflow), click the ellipsis of the selected location from the location tree in the side panel, and click Edit.
  2. In the Edit resource window, select the Rules tab to configure the resource rules, or to view inherited rules.
  3. Click the ADD button or the + icon to create a rule for the resource.
  4. In the Create Rule window, select Workflow as the Category type.
  5. For Type, leave is as Requires Approval (default).
  6. In the Target Resource drop-down menu, select the location or resource type the approval workflow applies to. Multiple locations or resource types may be selected from the drop-down menu. This field is hidden if you’re configuring the checkpoint to a specific resource.
    • Buildings
    • Floors
    • Zones
    • Rooms
    • Spaces
  7. In the Sub Types drop-down menu, you may narrow down the list of resources the checkpoint is applied to by selecting the desired Sub-type. This field is hidden if you’re configuring the checkpoint to a specific resource.
  8. In the Approvers field, assign one or more approvers for the resource. Only users with premium licenses can be assigned to be approvers.
  9. In the Target Users field, leave it blank to set it to all users, or enter the user or user groups the checkpoint rule applies to.
  10. In the Active Period calendar field, leave it blank to set it to always, or select the start and end date of the approval workflow duration.
  11. Enter a Description for the approval workflow.
  12. Click the ADD button.
  13. Once the workflow has been added, click SAVE in the Edit resource window.
Approvers will be notified of their appointment through email.

Configure Resource Permissions

You may configure the permissions to any resource to restrict this resource to certain users or user groups, only allowing them the access to reserve this resource in the Appspace Employee App.

Follow the instructions below to configure permissions for your resource:

  1. In Reservations, click the Resources tab, and select a specific resource, or location to configure the constraint rule.
    • To configure a constraint rule on a specific resource, click the resource name from the All Resources listing page.
    • To configure a constraint rule on a location (all resources within the location will inherit the constraint rule), click the ellipsis of the selected location from the location tree in the side panel, and click Edit.
  2. In the Edit resource window, click the Permissions tab, to configure the resource permissions, or to view inherited permissions.
  3. For a new resource, click the ADD button, and select the desired users or user groups, to provide them with access to reserve this resource.  
  4. If you have already added permissions, or if there are inherited users, click the + icon to add other users or user groups. 
  5. Click APPLY
  6. You may disable inherited permissions by sliding the Inherited Access Control Permissions slider to NO for this resource.
    Disabling Inherited Permissions on a location, floor, or zone does not impact resources within the location, floor, or zone. The resources within these places will still have the Inherited Permission toggled ON by default.
  7. Click SAVE.
  8. Your resources will now be available for reservations in the Appspace Employee App.
  9. Once you have made any reservation, you may proceed to the View Resource Reservations section below.
  10. You may also proceed to configure the global settings for your reservations. Proceed to the Configure Reservation Public/Private View (Sensitivity) section below.

View Resource Reservations

To view all the reservations that have been made for this selected resource, do the following:

  1. Click a resource name in the Resources tab on the Reservations dashboard.
  2. In the Edit resource window, click the Reservations tab.
  3. You may view all reservations for the resource based on the default Period, which can be changed from the drop-down calendar.
  4. You may search for a specific reservation by entering a keyword in the Search field, or by clicking the Filter icon to filter reservations by the user.
  5. To directly edit any reservation, click the ellipsis next to the reservation, and click Edit.
  6. In the Edit Reservation window, you may adjust reservation dates, view the rules, or cancel the reservation.
  7. Once done, click SAVE.

Manage Multiple Resources

Resources can be managed by directly clicking the resource, or selecting multiple resources to edit in bulk.

  1. On the Resources dashboard, select multiple resources.
  2. The bulk edit toolbar is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Click any desired icon to perform one of the following actions:
    • Manage Permissions – Manage the permissions for the selected resources.
  1. In the Access Control Permissions field, enter the User or User Groups that would be given access to the selected resources.
  2. Click SAVE to make the changes to all the selected resources.
  • Print QR Code – Print the QR Codes for the selected resources. You may also perform the following customizations:
    • QR Code – Select the QR code foreground and background color, and select the size from the drop-down menu.
    • Call to Action Text – Select the text color and formatting, and enter the desired call to action text.
    • Resource Name – Select the text color and background color for the resource name, or disable showing the resource name via the SHOW toggle option.
    • Background Color – Select the background color for the resource sections on the page.
    • Logo – Upload the logo to be displayed next to each QR code for the resources on the page.
    • QR Codes Per Page – Select a number of QR codes to print per page. Defaults at 12 per page for A4 paper size.
  • Edit – Bulk manage the selected resources.

    1. Proceed to make the following changes to the selected resources:
      • Type – Select the type of the resources.
      • Subtype – Select the subtype of the resources.
      • Location – Select the location of the resources.
      • Status – Select the status of the resources.
      • Reservable – Select if the resources are reservable.
      • Capacity – Enter the capacity of the resource.
      • Amenities  – Enter all amenities available in the resources.
    2. Click SAVE to make changes to all the selected resources.
  • Delete – Delete the selected resources.

Configure Reservation Settings

Configure Global Reservation Settings

Global settings are configured via the Settings > General tab, in the Reservations module.

These settings, once configured by an administrator, are blanket rules that will apply to all end-users/employees who use the Employee App (portal and mobile) when reserving a resource. Click Save once settings have been configured.

Enable/Disable Workspace/Building Pass Reservation

To enable or disable the Workspace, Building Pass, or both reservation features for your organization, select one of the following Supported Reservation Types from the drop-down menu:

  • All – Enable employees to make reservations on both Workspaces and Building Passes.
  • Building Pass – Enable employees to only make reservations on Building Passes.
  • Workspace – Enable employees to only make reservations on Workspaces.

Configure Reservation Privacy (Sensitivity)

To set the default privacy settings for all reservations across your organization, with the option to allow users to turn on/off their own visibility on a map when booking any resource,  select the Default Reservation Sensitivity from the drop-down menu:

  • Default to Public – All reservations default to public view (can be viewed by everyone). Employees will have the option to make it private during reservations later.
  • Default to Private – All reservations default to private view (cannot be viewed by anyone). Employees will have the option to make it public during reservations later.
  • Always Public – Reservations are always public. Employees will not have the option to change it during reservations later.
  • Always Private – Reservations are always private. Employees will not have the option to change it during reservations later.

Configure Default Workspace Reservation Name

To configure the default reservation name for workspaces, which will be automatically populated when the reservation name is left blank by an employee when reserving a resource in the Employee App, select one of the following options for Default Workspace Reservation Name

  • Organizer Name – The reservation name is automatically saved as: “Meeting with <Organizer’s Name>“. Example: Meeting with John Smith
  • Organizer Email – The reservation name is automatically saved as: “Meeting with <Organizer’s Email>“. Example: Meeting with 
  • Custom – Displays the default reservation name as, “Building Pass“, “Workspace Reservation“, or any text that is entered in the field.

Configure Default Building Reservation Name

To configure the default reservation name for buildings, select one of the following options for Default Building Reservation Name:

  • Organizer Name
  • Organizer Email
  • Custom – Default as, “Building Pass“, or any text that is entered in the field.

Configure Default Reservation Duration

The system default for meeting duration is 30 minutes. To configure your own default duration, select one of the following options for Default Reservation Duration:

  • <x> mins – 15 mins, 30 mins 
  • <x> hours – 1 hr, 1.5 hrs, 2 hrs
  • All day 
  • Custom

Example: If 1 hr is selected, employees will be able to reserve a resource for a minimum of 1 hour, or in 1-hour increments only i.e. 1 pm-2 pm, 2 pm-3 pm, 4 pm-6 pm.

If All day is selected, the following rules apply to the following constraint rules:

  • MinAdvancedBooking: Ignored if the <value set> is < 24 hours.
  • MaxAdvancedBooking: Ignored if the <value set> is < 24 hours.
  • MinReservationDuration: Ignored if the <value set> is < 24 hours.
  • MaxReservationDuration: All day bookings are blocked if the <value set> is < 24 hours. However, if the <value set> is > 24 hours, then use as a valid restriction (e.g. 48 hours means only 2 days of all day)
  • MinDurationBetweenReservations: Ignored if the <value set> is < 24 hours.

Configure Recurring Reservations with External Providers

To allow employees in your organization to configure how recurring reservation conflicts are handled by an external provider, when Recurring Reservations is enabled.

Disabled by default, the Provider Reservations with Conflicts feature is supported on both Office 365 and GSuite Google calendar providers, and requires the Enable Recurring Reservations feature to be enabled to function correctly.

In Outlook, we need to ensure the correct calendar that includes the resource is selected, otherwise the cancellation will not work as expected and instead of canceling the event in outlook, the resource will decline the meeting.

When the Provider Reservations with Conflicts option is switched to allow or block, the following is expected:

  • ALLOW – Allow reservations that do not conflict to be made and Confirmed, while conflicting reservations will still be made, but marked with the Conflict status on the Reservations dashboard.
  • BLOCK – Block all reservations from being made, if there are any conflicting reservations.

  • The Office 365 calendar provider does not support privacy updates on resources within a recurring reservation.
    ie. Updating the privacy settings for a recurring reservation will only update reservations that have yet to be completed, while previous reservations will still maintain the initial setting.
When recurring reservations with conflicts are allowed, a Confirmation email will still be sent to the organizer when making recurring reservations.

Conflicting reservations will be made and marked with the Conflict status on the Reservations dashboard, and would require the organizer to separately resolve these conflicting reservations manually.

Configure Recurring Reservations

This option is only supported on resources managed by the Appspace provider, and only disables users from making recurring reservations through the Employee App. Users are still able to make recurring reservations directly from their calendar provider.

To allow employees in your organization to make recurring reservations on all resources, switch the Enable Recurring Reservation toggle option to ON.

With recurring reservations enabled, you also have the option to allow or block recurring reservations from being made, if it conflicts with any existing reservations. This can be done by switching the Recurring Reservation with Conflicts toggle option to ALLOW (default) or BLOCK.

  • ALLOW – Allow reservations that do not conflict to be made and Confirmed, while conflicting reservations will still be made, but marked with the Conflict status on the Reservations dashboard.
  • BLOCK – Block all reservations from being made, if there are any conflicting reservations.
When recurring reservations with conflicts are allowed, a Confirmation email will still be sent to the organizer when making recurring reservations.

Conflicting reservations will be made and marked with the Conflict status on the Reservations dashboard, and would require the organizer to separately resolve these conflicting reservations manually.

Configure Personal Data Deletion or Obfuscation

This feature allows organizations to either delete or obfuscate/mask reservation data that includes personal data such as attendee names and email addresses, based on a specific retention period, ideal for meeting both regulatory and business requirements related to data privacy:

  • delete – reservation data records older than the specified retention period will be deleted. You will not have access to the reservation relation records beyond the provided retention period.
  • obfuscate – reservation data records will have all personal identification information obfuscated/masked. The reservation records will continue to exist, however, they will not be personally traceable back to a specific individual.
Choosing to delete or obfuscate reservations data will affect other components in the Reservations module reliant on this data, such as Analytics and reservations history. Other components will only display results based on the selected retention period by the organization.

Follow the instructions below to configure a data retention period:

  1. Switch the Enable Deletion/Obfuscation of Personal Data toggle option to ON, and select one of the following options from the drop-down menu:
    • Delete all personal data – Reservation records are deleted, with no recovery option.
      Customers enabling the Delete functionality will lose all data associated with reservations beyond the specified retention period.
    • Obfuscate all personal data – Reservation records exist, however will not contain any personal data that can be traceable.

  2. Enter the duration of the retention period in days, defaulted at 30 days, while the maximum retention period is 180 days.

Configure QR Code Settings

Enable/Disable QR Codes

QR code settings are configured via the Settings > QR Code tab, in the Reservations module.

To completely enable or disable QR codes from this Reservations system, for all resources or reservations, click the QR Code tab and select one of the following options:

  • Resource QR Code:
    • Default to Enabled 
    • Default to Disabled 
    • Always Enabled
    • Always Disabled
  • Reservation QR Code:
    • Enabled 
    • Disabled

Configure Notifications Settings

Configure Notifications for Calendar Providers

Notification settings are configured via the Settings > Notifications tab, in the Reservations module.

To configure the notifications for Calendar Providers, click the Notifications tab, and select the Provider Resources events that you wish notifications to be sent when a booking or reservation is made:

  • Created
  • Updated
  • Canceled
  • Checkpoints
  • Check-in

Configure Notifications for Enterprise Messaging Apps

To configure notifications for Enterprise Messaging Apps, click the Notifications tab, and in the Enterprise Messaging field, select your preferred Enterprise app passport from the drop-down menu.

This option allows reservation notifications to be sent to your preferred Enterprise Messaging app, similar to how users receive the reservation email notifications. The Appspace bot sends notifications to the respective reservation organizers or attendees, for the following events:

  • Create reservations
  • Cancel reservations
  • Change of reservation status
  • Attendee confirmation
  • Attendee decline notification
  • Checkpoint notification
  • Check-in notification

Integration passports that are not supported will be disabled from selection in the drop-down menu.

Configure & Customize Location-based Email Notifications (New)

Location-based email notifications, when configured, are sent to the reservation organizer or attendees at the respective location for the following events:

  • Create reservations
  • Cancel reservations
  • Change of reservation status
  • Attendee confirmation
  • Attendee decline notification
  • Checkpoint notification
  • Check-in notification

Once email notifications are enabled, you may customize the notifications to match your organization’s global branding theme, colors, and logo. With location-based email notifications, you can also include various locations, campuses, or buildings and configure unique email notifications for each of them. -new

However, this option is only applicable for reservations that have been created in Appspace, and does not affect notifications that are sent via the calendar provider, such as Office365 or GSuite.

Follow the intructions below to set global email notifications:

  1. Click the Notifications tab and switch the Email toggle option to ON to enable email notifications.
  2. Move your mouse over Global Settings or another location, and click the Edit icon.
  3. Customize the look and feel of the email by configuring the following:
    • Enable Attendance Block – Enable this to display the attendance response options (Yes, No, Maybe) for the recipient.
    • Accent Color – Select the accent color from the color picker to match the email notification theme for the organization, location, or building.
    • Sender Display Name – Enter the name you wish displayed as the sender name when sending out the email notification.
    • Additional Text – Additional text such as important notices can be included within the notification by entering the text to be displayed in the Additional Text editor, and selecting the alignment of where the text is displayed from the drop-down menu:
      • Top – additional text is displayed above the logo.
      • Middle – additional text is displayed below the recipient information.
      • Bottom – additional text is displayed below the body of the email.
    • Logo – Upload or select a logo from the library to be added as the logo for the email notification.

Add Location-based Email Customization (New)

Follow the instructions below to set locations or buildings and configure unique email notifications for each of them:

  1. In the Locations section, click +Create.
  2. Click the Select Location field. From the drop-down menu, select a location, expand a location to select a sub-location, or enter the location name in the Search locations field.
  3. Select the option to Apply to or Exclude sub-locations for the email customization:
    • Apply to sub-locations – the customized email settings will be used for all sub-locations within the location, unless a sub-location has its own email configuration in place.
    • Exclude sub-locations – the customized email settings will not be used for all sub-locations within the location.
  4. Under Location Notifications, ensure the Email option is set to ON to enable customized email notifications for this location. Turning it off will apply the global email setting for this location.
  5. Under the Details section, set the configurations to customize the look and feel of the email.

Search and Edit Location-based Email Notification (New)

Follow the instructions below to edit location-based email notifications:

  1. In the Locations section, click the Locations field. Select a location or sub-location from the drop-down menu or enter the location name in the Search locations field.
  2. Mouse over a location, building, or campus from the list of locations. Click the Edit icon to configure the Email Notification or Delete icon to remove the location from email notifications.

Configure Integration Settings

Enable and Select Booking On Behalf / Plugin Passport

The Integrations settings are configured via the Settings > Integrations tab, in the Reservations module.

This feature ensures that bookings or reservations made through the calendar provider, can be edited from the Appspace platform.

To configure the Booking on behalf / Plugin passport, select the calendar provider passport that contains the resources, and is used for making reservations.


When the Book on behalf setting is configured with the GSuite Google calendar provider, the following is the expected behavior for recurring reservations when switching the resource privacy from Private to Public:

Single Event Updates Recurring Event Updates
On Behalf Enabled On Behalf Disabled On Behalf Enabled On Behalf Disabled
Organizer Calendar Updated to Public Remains Private, not updated* Updated to Public Remains Private, not updated
Attendee Calendar Updated to Public Remains Private, not updated* Remains Private, not updated Remains Private, not updated
Room Calendar Remains Private, not updated* Updated to Public Remains Private, not updated Updated to Public
WordPress Tables Plugin

*Ability to restore to “Public” via the ‘Restore to original event’ from the Google Calendar platform.

Enable and Select Conferencing Integrations (New)

The Conferencing Integrations settings are configured via the Settings > Integrations tab, in the Reservations module.

This feature provides bookings or reservations to have conferencing capabilities directly from the Appspace platform.

To configure Conferencing Integrations, enable the slider option to ON, and select the appropriate passport integration from the drop-down of the selected conferencing platform. You will have to first create conferencing passports for Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Webex (new).

Configure Accessibility Settings

Enable/Disable Default Zone Display

Zone Display settings are configured via the Settings > Accessibility tab, in the Reservations module.

This feature allows administrators to allow employees the option of visualizing zones when viewing maps in Reservations.

To configure the Default Zone Display, in which zones will be displayed or hidden in map view, click the Notifications tab, and select one of the following options:

  • Default Zone Display:
    • Default Show – Zones will be displayed by default, allowing the user to then enable or disable viewing zones.
    • Default Hide – Zones will be hidden by default, allowing the user to then enable or disable viewing zones.
    • Always Show – Zones will be displayed by default, without the ability to enable or disable zones.
    • Always Hide – Zones will be hidden by default, without the ability to enable or disable zones.

Configure Concierge Settings

Assign Concierge Permissions

The Concierge settings are configured via the Settings > Concierge tab, in the Reservations module.

This feature allows administrators to assign concierge permissions to another employee or administrator, enabling them to manage reservations through the Concierge dashboard on the Employee App portal or mobile app. The Concierge dashboard provides employees assigned with Concierge permissions a calendar view of all reservations under their purview. Employees with concierge permissions are also able to view and manage the reservations of workspaces in locations they have been assigned to.

To assign Concierge permissions to a user or user group, follow the instructions below:

  1. Select the Settings > Concierge tab and click the + ADD button.

  2. Enter the name of the user or user group in the User field that will be assigned with the concierge permissions.
  3. Select the location of the workspaces the concierge will have access to from the Location drop-down menu.
    The concierge will only have visibility of reservations for workspaces within their location that they have been given access to.
  4. Check the following Permissions that will be assigned to the concierge user:
    • View (default) – Allows the concierge to view the Concierge dashboard.
    • Create – Allows the concierge to create a workspace reservation.
    • Edit – Allows the concierge to edit a workspace reservation.
    • Cancel – Allows the concierge to cancel / delete a workspace reservation.
  5. Click Save.

The Concierge user may now view the Concierge dashboard; refer to Manage Workspace, Desk, or Room Reservations – Concierge.

Configure Manager Settings

Enable Manager View

This feature is currently behind a feature flag and not available to the public.

The Manager View settings can be configured via the Settings > Managers tab, in the Reservations module.

This feature allows employees with managerial positions to view their employees’ reservations through the My Team Reservations dashboard on the Employee App portal or mobile app.

To enable and configure the Manager View for Reservations, follow the instructions below:

  1. Select the Settings > Managers tab, and slide the toggle switch to ENABLE managers to view their employees’ calendars.
  2. Select one or more of the following permissions, to allow the manager to perform the selected actions when managing their employees’ (subordinates’) reservations:
    • Create – Allows the manager to create a workspace reservation on behalf of their employees.
    • Edit – Allows the manager to edit a workspace reservation on behalf of their employees.
    • Delete – Allows the manager to delete a workspace reservation on behalf of their employees.
  3. Once done, click Save.
  4. Proceed to assign a manager to your users in their user profiles.

The manager may now view the My Team tab dashboard; refer to Manage Workspace Reservations – Manager View.

Add Reservable Resources to a Floorplan


The following objects should be created before you begin adding reservable spaces:

Add Reservable Resource

Follow the instructions below to add resources to a floor plan:

  1. Click Locations from the ☰ Appspace menu.
  2. Select and click the floor plan you wish to configure.
  3. Click the Edit icon, and select the “not mapped” resource.
  4. Click the Set Position button, and select one of the map tracing options:

    • AUTO TRACE – Automatically traces the borders of the room. This is the preferred method when the space on your floor plan has clearly defined borders on all sides.
    • PolygonManually trace the borders of the room using your mouse pointer. This is useful when the space on your floor plan does not have clearly defined borders or the border has large openings in it.
    • MarkerManually highlights a location with an icon. This is useful when identifying points of interest within your floor plan.
  5. Click on a room or space on the floor plan to complete the position on the floor plan.
  6. Once set, proceed to configure  the following attributes of the reservable resource:
    • Name – Enter the name of the room or point of interest, if not auto-filled by the calendar resource.
    • Identifier – Enter the room number or specific location of the area.
    • Type – Select the type of mapping.
      • Room – To define rooms in the floor plan, such as offices, conference rooms, auditoriums, etc.
      • Space – To define spaces in the floor plan, such as training areas, social areas, huddle spaces, etc.
      • Point of Interest – To define points of interest in the floor plan, such as sanitization stations, elevators, bathrooms, etc.
    • Room / Space – Select the type of room, space. For a list of complete options that are available, refer to Floor Plan Rooms, Spaces, and Points Of Interest Options
    • Reservable – Slide the slider to “YES” to enable reservation in the Employee App. If enabled, users may see the resource on the map but not reserve it. This feature is deactivated by default for external providers. (New)
    • Capacity – Enter the capacity of the room.
    • Coordinates – Enter the coordinates of the room to the floor plan.
    • Amenities – Add the amenities available in the room.
    • Photo – Add a photo of the room.
  7. Click SAVE.

Manage Floor Plan Resources

Follow the instructions below to bulk manage the rooms, spaces, or points of interest on a floor plan:

  1. Click Locations from the ☰ Appspace menu.
  2. Select the floor plan you wish to manage, and click the Edit icon.
  3. Check the rooms, spaces, or points of interest that you wish to manage.
  4. Click the ellipsis, and select one of the following actions:
    • Change Type/Amenities  – Change the type, sub-type, or amenities of the rooms, spaces, and points of interest.
    • Link to Appspace Reservations – Links all the selected rooms, spaces, and points of interest to this Reservations module.
    • Delete – Delete the selected rooms, spaces, and points of interest.
  5. Click Save.

View Created Reservations

The Reservations tab on the Reservations dashboard, is where administrators with access to this module, are able to view all reservations made under this account.

Administrators are able to filter reservations based on:

For more information, refer to Browse and Navigate Reservations Module in Appspace 8.0.

Administrators can also directly create a reservation here for themselves or on behalf of someone else. For instructions, refer to Reserve Workspace & Building Pass in Console – Administrators.

Employees looking for guidance on making a reservation, refer to Reserve a Workspace, Desk, or Room – Employees.

Export Reservations

Reservations can be exported based on the filter selection, and by selecting multiple or all reservations in the list, and exported in an .xlsx file format containing the following columns:

  • Meeting Name
  • Resource Name
  • Resource Type
  • Resource SubType
  • Organizer
  • Organizer Type (user, external)
  • Organizer Email
  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • IsAllDay
  • Recurrence (use the recurrence label)
  • Location
  • Floor
  • Status
  • Sensitivity
  • Origin (Provider or Appspace)
  • Attendees (comma delimitated email string)
  • Attendees Count
  • Check-in Status (not-required, user-checkin, auto-checkin, expired, pending)
  • Amenities (comma delimitated string)

To export reservations that have been made, do the following:

  1. Log in to the Appspace console.
  2. Click Reservations from the ☰ Appspace menu, and click the Reservations tab.
  3. Select the reservations you wish to export or click the checkbox to select all reservations.
  4. Click the Export icon in the batch menu.
  5. The reservations listings displayed in Reservations will be exported to a .xlsx file and downloaded to your default download folder.

View Resource & Reservation Analytics

Overall Analytics

In the Reservations module, click the Analytics tab. You will be able to view statistical data of all the reservations that have been made using the Appspace Employee App either via the portal or your mobile app. Prior to the deployment of your space reservation application, this tab will be empty.

You may view all analytics for your reservable resources based on the Activity Period, which can be changed from the drop-down calendar. You can also filter your data by the location within your environment.

Administrators looking for information on the Analytics tab, refer to Browse and Navigate Reservations Module in Appspace 8.0.

Individual Building, Floor, or Workspace Resource Analytics

You may also view detailed analytics for an individual building, floor, or workspace resource by clicking the Analytics tab when editing the resource from the Resources tab.

  1. Click a resource name in the Resources tab on the Reservations dashboard.
  2. In the Edit Resource window, click the Analytics tab.
  3. You may view all analytics for the resources here based on the Activity Period, which can be changed from the drop-down calendar.

Depending on the resource type (building, floor, workspace) selected, different analytical widgets will be displayed. For more information, refer to Browse and Navigate Reservations Module in Appspace 8.x.

Enable Building Pass

The Building Pass feature allows organizations to monitor and limit the number of users who can access the building in a single day, week, or month. Building passes are automatically applied for users who make a reservation on a resource, however, the building pass can also be applied on its own and used only for visitor registration.

For instructions to configuring a building pass, refer to Configure and Manage Building Passes.