Appspace Intranet

Appspace Intranet (Beezy)

Multientity Management is a feature added from Appspace Intranet 4.6.0 onwards To ensure that it’s simple and straightforward for users to understand which Entity they are currently seeing we changed a couple of things in the header of the Pages, Stories and Editorial Settings. Let’s split things up to make it easier to explain. Header in …

New Multientity Header Read More »

Multientity Management is a feature introduced in Appspace Intranet (powered by Beezy) 4.6.0 onwards Although the Admin searchbox when creating a new Entity now allows to retrieve all existing users, we still see the the value of the Global Admins as general overseers of the customer’s Appspace Intranet instance. As such, a new setting was …

Newly introduced Settings option Read More »

Multientity Administration is a feature available from Appspace Intranet 4.6.0 onwards Since the main target of this feature was to democratize the possibility of a user having an admin role throughout several Entities, the first big change we needed to make was on ensuring that all users that belong to an Entity are eligible to …

Changes in the Entity creation flow Read More »

Multientity Administration is a feature available from Appspace Intranet 4.6.0 onwards Appspace Intranet 4.6.0 supercharged our Local Entities (LE) capabilities and changed a fundamental truth that we had originally implemented: Users are now capable of managing several LE at once, but they will still belong to 1 and only 1 LE. For the sake of explaining this feature, …

Overview Read More »

Draft Sites is a feature available in Appspace Intranet 4.6.0 onwards Since sites can be nested inside each other, users will quickly reach a point in which they publish a Site nested inside a Draft one, which is something that should be closely followed by the platform Admins. Since we don’t want to expose end …

Nested Draft Sites Read More »

Draft Sites is a feature available in Appspace Intranet 4.6.0 onwards Triggering the Publish option will trigger a modal alerting the user that the change can’t be reverted. This means that users won’t be able to unpublish a published site. If indeed the user chooses to continue, after some seconds he/she will be redirected to …

Publishing a Draft Site Read More »

Draft Sites is a feature available from Appspace Intranet 4.6.0 onwards Entering a Draft Site’s settings page will now display a much cleaner UI, as some nice improvements have been introduced. The header is now full width, the back button has been normalized to be coherent with other areas of the product, a nice Draft …

Edition of a Draft Site Read More »

Draft Sites is a feature that was introduced in Appspace Intranet 4.6.0 The creation process per se happens exactly as it did in previous versions: through the Editorial Settings > Org Structure > Clicking on the (+) button. Although no relevant changes were introduced up until this point, after the site creation is triggered, the user will …

Creation of a Draft Site Read More »

Draft Sites is a feature added in Appspace Intranet 4.6.0 From this version onwards, all Sites will be created as Draft, being visible only to Site Owners and Global Admins until an owner decides that the site is ready to be published. The main purpose of this feature is to guarantee that users have a …

Overview Read More »

Appspace Intranet version 4.6.0 marks the beginning of the deprecation of Forums From this version onwards we’re blocking the creation of new forums (both Standalone and Community-based) and removing some references from forums in the UI, namely: Hidden the option to turn ON Forums in the Community tools through Settings; Hidden the option to turn ON Forums …

Forum Deprecation Read More »