Appspace Intranet

Appspace Intranet (Beezy)

Let us remind you that this is an excellent example of what can be achieved. If you want to improve it, feel free to do your own development. And have in mind that with the browsers’ evolution in next versions this development could be outdated. In this case, you have to tweak this code to …

Configure Social media – HTML/CSS/JS custom widget Read More »

  Let us remind you that this is an excellent example of what can be achieved. If you want to improve it, feel free to do your own development. And have in mind that with the browsers’ evolution in next versions this development could be outdated. In this case, you have to tweak this code …

Configure Stock card – JSON custom widget Read More »

This is our solution to give total freedom to you to create your own custom blocks into the Hero. HTML/JS/CSS This mode uses any code introduced to render it and show it in its corresponding Hero block. If you add raw text in the javascript field, this text will be shown in the public view, …

Custom Widget Read More »

Edit After having searched and selecting the edit option a modal will appear. We’ll have the possibility to edit the tag with these restrictions: a tag has a 255 character limit and there’s no possibility to fuse/merge two tags. After editing a tag, the tag will change in the public view in the list of tags under …

Edit and delete tags and their consequences Read More »

After having identified the necessity to manage tags, we have this section inside the Editorial settings. Like any other section in Editorial Settings, Tag management is available only for Administrators and Community managers. Local Entities’ Admins will have no access to this feature. We start the search introducing a term(at least 2 characters) and pressing …

Tags management section in Editorial Settings Read More »

This section applies only to v3.1.2 and higher. The “Pages for you” is a new dialog in the pages page that includes settings for customizing which pages the user will get regarding topics users can choose to (un)follow. When a user lands on this page, he will get only pages matching any of the selected …

Pages for you Read More »

Video Stories allows writers to transform their stories into compelling narratives and increases the viewer’s engagement.   Creating a Video Story To create a Video Story click on Add Video on the bottom right corner of the image holder.      On the “Add a video to your story” modal window, insert the video’s URL, …

Video Stories Read More »

Once the admin clicks one of the Hero blocks in the Hero settings, the block’s configuration sidebar will open. In the sidebar, we have some actions available: Closing the sidebar: the cross icon at the top left corner of the block sidebar closes the sidebar without saving the possible changes done in the block’s configuration. …

Blocks’ configuration general behavior Read More »

Prometheus layout will only be available if you had a version prior to 3.13 installed. If you had a Carousel with at least 3 featured stories in the Highlighted channel, and 2 featured stories in any other channel followed by the user, and the user is following any channel other than the highlighted ones, only then …

Upgrade Path Read More »

The admins will see the color picker based on what is defined in this setting. We will find this setting in the User Interface section. Validation = HEX color = # followed by six characters (0-9 and A-F) The mandatory number of colors is 4, and the maximum is 6 (2 optional colors). If the admin …

Customize Beezy Colors Read More »