
Appspace Platform Cloud

Configure a Room Booking card with the Google G Suite calendar provider, ideal for single room scheduling.

Use Appspace APIs to integrate with third-party applications utilizing application integration tokens and access tokens.

Create a Schedule Board card and configure it with custom calendar provider settings catered for non-Google or O365 email providers.

The Library gives users the flexibility to add externally referenced media files, inline HTML webpages, or externally referenced HTML pages in an advanced channel (sign). External content is not stored (preserved) in Appspace but rather just the URL to the content is stored and downloaded by the media players. The two ways to create web …

Create Web or External Content Read More »

This article lists the minimum requirements needed to run the Appspace App for Devices either on purpose-built devices and built-in devices, or the Appspace Employee App for employees on browsers or mobile devices. 

Description You may experience load issues when creating, editing, or previewing an advanced channel (sign), a layout in the sign, or a widget added to the sign. The problem may also occur when previewing the sign’s public link. In some instances the page does not load at all, or attempts to load continuously without any …

Problem: Advanced Channel Does NOT Load Properly Read More »

Use a self-hosted reverse proxy server or an Appspace hosted proxy in a cloud environment to secure device communications to the Appspace platform with TLS 1.2+, for the highest level of security.

This article provides the instructions to configure the Cisco Webex Room Navigator to pair with Webex Room Kit devices. 

Microsoft Office 365 requires global administrator level permissions for a service account to handle room booking and check-in across an organization. However, if you do not wish to use global permissions, you may now configure the booking functionality using a user account, with access to book only rooms that have been delegated to the this …

Configure Microsoft Office 365 Room Booking Service with User Privileges Read More »

This article provides instructions to enable the Single Sign-On (SSO) feature for Appspace Cloud.