
Channels module

This widget displays user-defined calendar data in chronological order. The scheduled information can be presented in hour, day, week, or month format. It is commonly used for: Displaying the agenda of the current day/week/month for a specific event or location. Enabling easy, instant announcements on changes to events scheduled during a particular time-period. Sharing of …

Widget: Event Calendar Read More »

In Advanced Channel, you can choose to sync your advanced channel with two sync modes: Automatic Syncing Automatic Syncing is on by default, so that changes made to an advanced channel are automatically, and immediately synced to the devices. This may not be ideal in situations where a lot of testing in rapid succession is …

Enable Advanced Channel Sync Read More »

Widgets are little applets that are added in Signs to represent dynamic data and visual presentation of live data sources such as weather information, news tickers, and event calendars for real-time updates. The Appspace Widget Library contains a standard set of widgets such as Clock, Event Calendar, Media Zone, and RSS Ticker, as well as …

Widget: Introduction & Device Support Read More »

Learn how to export and import channels between one account to another in the cloud.

Learn how to create channels and organize them into channel groups for visibility.

Learn how to brand your channels for browsing by customizing the channel thumbnails.

Learn how to publish channels for digital signage in your organization.

Learn how to publish channels to the web so that it can be viewed by anyone with a web browser.

This article provides the instructions to add thumbnails to your playlist channel, live channel, advanced channel, or channel group.  Log in to the Appspace console, and select Channels from the Appspace menu. In the desired channel or channel group, click the Settings tab, and click the Overview tab. Click Edit on the thumbnail. In the Pick a Channel/Channel Group Icon …

Configure Thumbnails in Channels Read More »

Learn how to schedule content items in a channel by setting a date range.