To configure a Weather widget’s properties, please follow the instructions below:

  1. In your advanced channel layout, click the Weather widget under the Widgets section.

  2. In the Widget Properties window, configure the common tabs as per this article: Widget: Configure Widget Properties.

  3. In the Widget Properties window, click the APPEARANCE tab, and edit the PROPERTIES section as per the table below:

    Properties Details
    Location Location of the weather forecast. Select a US Zip Code or City, type an address, or select one of 29 predefined locations around the world.
    Provider The data provider for the weather information. Select either Default, WDT (Weather Decision Technologies, Inc) or World Weather Online.
    Update Frequency The frequency to download weather forecast updates from the data source.
    Interval The interval time between multiple layouts.
    Temp Unit Unit to read the weather in Celsius or Fahrenheit.
    Font, Color Setting the font type and color.
    WordPress Tables Plugin

Known Issues

The Weather widget icon is stretched when using the Appspace Windows PC client with DirectX. This issue occurs when the DirectX device is unable to interpret the negative stretch value in the widget properties.

A workaround is to change the stretch=-1 value to stretch=1 for all the properties with a stretch value in the Weather widget, as per the instructions below:

  1. Click the Properties tab, and search for all properties with the stretch=-1 value.

  2. Click the Edit button, and change all stretch=-1 values to stretch=1.

  3. Click the Finish button.