Working with images

In order to help you create content with a visual impact and not run into pixelation or unexpected cropping issues, these are the image size specifications across Beezy. The indicated measurements are the minimum size, however we recommend using @2x (double the indicated width and height) to account for retina screens.

Profile Picture: 136 x 136 px

Profile Banner: 1180 x 350 px

profile header2.png


Community Image: 250 x 250 px 

Community Banner: 1180 x 350 px



Knowledge Center Banner: 1180 x 80 px



Story Banner: 1180 x 400 px


Page banner: 780 x 240 px

Page cover image.png


Site banner: 1920 x 344 px



Topic/Channel image: 1180 x 284 px



Megamenu images: 280 x 140 px


These measurements (expressed W x H) are the minimum recommended size for images to look nice and crisp on desktop. We recommend using large and suggestive images in general, so that they look well across all-devices (i.e. the Hero has different proportions on our mobile apps than on desktop).


Link tile images: 220 x 140 px

Link Tiles Editor Pages.png


Organization structure item: 100 x 100 px

 item size.png