Web Config Properties

For Add-ins environments, the Web Application uses some properties that are stored in the web.config file. Those properties can be mandatory or not, so some of them do not need to be included in the file.  Below there are those properties listed with a brief description.

  • ClientSecret: This is de Beezy APP Client Secret generated when registering the App.
  • IssuerId: Id of the Token Issuer only for High Trust scenarios.
  • HostedAppHostNameOverride: Exposed Web Application URL Hosts.
  • ForceHostedAppHostName: If there are exposed web application urls, this setting will contain the default Host value.
  • ForceHTTPS: If the exposed URL is using SSL but it is not configured on IIS, you need to specify this setting.
  • SecondaryClientSecret: This is needed when updating the Beezy client secret in the tenant as this action can take some time to update. In order to keep Beezy working, this setting should contain the old Client Secret.
  • ClientSigningCertificateSerialNumber: Certificate serial number that is used for signing the Token High Trust requests.
  • Realm: The SharePoint Realm Id.
  • AppIdentity: SharePoint principal Id.
  • spsaml:ClaimProviderType: This setting is mend for ADFS scenarios. It is used for setting if SAML or Forms Based Authentication are being used.  The values accepted are “SAML” or “FBA”.
  • spsaml:IdentityClaimType: When using ADFS, this setting is used for setting which claim is used as identifier. The accepted values are “SMTP” “SIP” or “UPN”
  • spsaml:TrustedProviderName: Also for ADFS scenarios, this setting is used for specifying the name of the trusted provider added to SharePoint.
  • HideHelpPage: By setting this property to “true”, the web service help API page won’t be displayed when trying to browse it.