Reserve Workspace & Building Pass in Console – Administrators

This article provides instructions for administrators to make reservations for building passes and resources such as workspaces or desks, for themselves or on behalf of another user, directly via the Reservations module on the Appspace console.

The Employee App, Reservations, and Enterprise Messaging App features are only available on Appspace public/private cloud 8.0 and later. It is not supported on 8.0 on-prem.


  • An Appspace Platform user license.
  • An active Appspace public/private cloud user account.
  • Account Owner or Location Admin permissions.

Reserve a Building Pass or Resource Workspace

  1. Log in to the Appspace console.
  2. Click Reservations from the ☰ Appspace menu, and click the Reservations tab.
  3. In the Create Reservation window, follow the instructions below for the desired reservation type:
    Only resources that you have permission to access are displayed.
    • Reserve Building Pass
      1. Click the CREATE drop-down arrow button and select Reserve Building Pass.
      2. Click + Find building, select the desired building, and click Add. If the building is not listed, enter the building name in the Search field.
        If the selected resource requires approval during the reservation process, a note will display that the resource requires approval.
      3. Enter the name or title for the reservation in the Reservation name field. The organizer’s name is used by default if the field is left empty.
      4. Select the start and end date of the building pass from the Date drop-down calendar.
      5. You can switch the Time Zone in case the reservation is for someone else. Click More options and select the Time Zone from the drop-down menu .
      6. The Organizer defaults to your user account. If the building pass is for another user, select the username from the drop-down menu, or enter the user’s name in the field to search for it.
      7. Invite or add attendees to a reservation in the Attendees section by entering their usernames or email addresses in the field. For each invited attendee, you have the choice to edit and choose the attendance type (In-person, Virtual).
      8. You may add additional notes or information for the reservation to be seen by attendees. You can also apply basic formatting to your text.
      9. Optionally, you may make your reservation private by toggling the Reservation privacy slider to PRIVATE (which is PUBLIC by default).
    • Resource Workspace
      1. Click the + CREATE button to make a reservation.
      2. Click + Find resource.
      3. You can select or search the Building, Workspace Type, or Amenities from the drop-down menus to filter the desired results.
      4. You can also search for the desired resource workspace by entering the resource name in the Search workspaces field.
      5. Click the Settings icon to select additional filters such as the Status (Available or Unavailable) and Capacity (the number of attendees that the resource can accommodate) of the workspace resource.
      6. After you have found the desired workspace resource, select it.
        If the selected resource requires approval during the reservation process, a note will display that the resource requires approval.
          • If you are adding more than one resource workspace for the reservation (known as a multi-resource reservation), select more resource workspaces from the list.
      7. Click Add.
      8. If you wish to add more resource workspaces that are not listed (e.g. because your resource does not meet the current search or filter criteria or is in a different building), click Add Another, then repeat Steps 2 to 7. You may add up to 50 resources per reservation.
      9. Enter the name or title for the reservation in the Reservation name field. The organizer’s name is used by default if the field is left empty.
      10. Select the Date of the reservation from the drop-down calendar, and the Time from the drop-down menu.
      11. Select the Duration from the drop-down menu (from 30 minutes to 1 – 12 hours). You can select Office Hours if it is available (usually on the next working day) and configured for the selected resource.
      12. Select More Options to view and set the All Day, Time Zone, and Recurring Reservation options:
        • Select the All Day option to set the reservation for the entire day or office hours. This is similar to selecting Office Hours under Duration if office hours are configured for your selected resource.
        • You can switch to a different Time Zone from the drop-down menu, in case the reservation is for someone else.
        • Check the Recurring Reservation checkbox if the reservation would occur periodically. The following settings can be configured:

          • Enter the number of times the reservation occurs in the Repeats every field and drop-down menu:
            • Day – The reservation occurs every set number of days.
            • Week – The reservation occurs every set number of weeks.
              • In the Repeats on drop-down menu, you may select if the reservation is repeated on the day of each week. For example:
                • Reservation is repeated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week.
            • Month – The reservation occurs every set number of months.
              • In the Repeats on drop-down menu, you may select if the reservation is repeated on the date, or day of each month. For example:
                • Day 6 – 6th of each month.
                • The first Sunday of each month.
            • Year – The reservation occurs every set number of years.
              • In the Repeats on drop-down menu, you may select if the reservation is repeated on the date, or day of each year. For example:
                • 6 June – 6th of June each year.
                • The first Sunday of June each year.
          • Select when the reservation Ends:
              • Never – The recurring reservation never ends.
                When set to Never Ends, the maximum recurring reservations will be determined by the reservations provider:

                • Appspace Provider: Maximum of 730 meeting instances, or meeting instances until the year 2100, whichever comes first.
            • After – The recurring reservation ends after the set number of occurrences.
            • On – the recurring reservation ends after the set date.
      13. The Organizer defaults to your user account. If the reservation is for someone else, select or enter their user name from the drop-down menu. If the user name is not listed, enter the user’s name in the field to search for it.
      14. Add the Attendees of the reservation by entering their usernames or email addresses in the field. For each invited attendee, you have the choice to edit and choose the attendance type (In-person, Virtual).
        • The reservations panel will now list attendees as well as their attendance type.
        • All reservations must have at least one in-person attendee.
        • When an event has checkpoints, only the in-person attendee needs to complete the checkpoints.
        • If the amount of attendees exceeds the maximum capacity of the selected resource workspace(s), a note stating that the resource is unavailable is displayed and the reservation cannot be confirmed. In this case, you will need to manually rearrange the attendees from the overbooked resource into the other available resources:
          1. Click the ellipsis () icon of the attendee and click Edit.
          2. Select a different workplace resource for the attendee.
          3. If required, add more workplace resources and repeat the process.
      15. Select the services (checkpoint rules) that you wish to apply for the reservation. Selected checkpoint rules cannot be removed once the reservation is created. These options are configured when you create checkpoints set as On-demand (services) for the resource. – New Feature
        The checkpoint rule is only applicable to the meeting organizer. Only the meeting organizer will be able to view the Services field and receive notifications from these checkpoints.
      16. Select a Conferencing software (e.g. Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, or Webex) for the reservation by clicking Add conferencing and selecting an option. A conferencing link will be available to all attendees on the Appspace console, Employee App, and email and messaging notifications. – New Feature
      17. You may add additional notes or information for the reservation to be seen by attendees. You can also apply basic formatting to your text.
        When one of the multiple recurring reservations is in conflict with some other independent reservation, you will be notified of the conflict, but will still be able to go ahead with this recurrent reservation. You may then separately modify the conflicting event.
      18. Optionally, you may make your reservation private by toggling the Reservation privacy slider to PRIVATE (which is PUBLIC by default).
  4. Once done, click the CONFIRM button to create the building pass or to make the reservation. The reservation will then be displayed in the Reservations list.
    • If the resource requires approval, the reservation or building pass will be set to pending approval until it is approved by the approver of the resource. During this pending status, the resource will be shown as unavailable for the reserved time slot in the system. Invitees will not be able to see pending reservations or receive any notification of the reservation until the meeting is approved.
    • Once a reservation or building pass is approved, it cannot be further edited or changed. The meeting organizer will receive an email confirmation of the approval.