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Appspace IntranetBeezy

‘On Demand’ (Opt-In) Translations

This article is applicable to Appspace Intranet version 4.5.0 onwards Customers that select this option in Settings will be prompted …

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Appspace IntranetBeezy

‘On Language Select’ (Opt-Out) Translations

This article is applicable to Appspace Intranet version 4.5.0 onwards. In Appspace Intranet 4.5.0 we’re offering 2 different paths so …

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A Guide to Connecting a Remote Workforce

This guide will focus on outlining the tools and best practices in the Appspace platform that companies can use to communicate and engage with their workforce – locally, regionally and remotely.

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Appspace IntranetBeezy

About this Page

Every Page has an About this Page section, that is automatically generated upon its publishing.   The About this Page section can display up …

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Appspace IntranetBeezy

Accepting the Terms Of Use

The first time employees log into the Appspace Intranet (Powered by Beezy) they have to accept a customizable policy document …

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Appspace IntranetBeezy

Access and configure logs (Add-ins environment)

For Add-ins environment installations, all the application events are traced in a Beezy log file that by default is stored …

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Appspace IntranetBeezy

Access and configure logs (On-premises classic)

For on-premises installations, Appspace Intranet traces all the application events to two sources: SharePoint Unified Logging System (ULS) (traces and …

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Appspace IntranetBeezy

Access and Restrictions

” Kiosk Users have access to most of the platform content but are not allowed to edit, add, or interact …

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Appspace IntranetBeezy

Access logs from Azure in Appspace Intranet cloud installations

Prerequisites Credentials to authenticate in Azure portal with admin rights for Appspace Intranet installed subscription. You can use same credentials …

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AdministratorAdvanced ChannelsChannels

Add Advanced Channel (Sign)

This article provides the instructions to create, and configure advanced channels, previously known as a sign. Advanced channels offer features …

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Appspace IntranetBeezy

Add an audience

This section applies only to Appspace Intranet version 4.4.0 and higher. Audiences can be added through the Community Settings > …

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Add and Manage Card Templates and Themes

This article illustrates the features available in this module and provides the introduction as well as instructions to configure and manage Cards as follows:

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Add and Manage Cards Templates and Themes

Appspace Cards are HTML5 based templates or themes used for creating interactive content for digital signage, and workplace communications.

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Add and Manage Device Properties

Appspace device properties enable Location Admins to efficiently codify attributes, in order to configure, manage, or customize Appspace App-based devices. …

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Add and Manage Locations in Devices

Add and manage device locations in the Locations tab in the Devices module, for easy resource management in Appspace.

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Add and Manage Stories

This article provides administrators with the instructions to create, and manage Stories in the Channels module of the Administrative Console.

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Add and Manage Topics

This article provides administrators with the instructions to create, and manage Topics and Pages in the Topics module.

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Add Cards and Upload Content into Channels

Learn how to add cards and upload content into channels.

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Add Content Automatically to Playlist Channels using Tags

Learn how to add content to a channel automatically based on keywords or tags.

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ContentLibraryPlaylist Channels

Add Content Tags in Appspace

Content tags are used to organize, filter, and group content. Tags can be applied to all types of content such as images, videos, and even cards – from the library or when adding content directly to a channel.

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Getting StartedPaths

Add content to a channel

Start adding content to a channel so that it can be shared and viewed in the content portal and apps.

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ContentLibraryPlaylist Channels

Add Content to Playlist Channels from Library

Add content directly to a channel from the Appspace 8.0 content Library. With the newly redesigned Library module, improved operations and functionality provide the opportunity to add content or folders directly from the Library dashboard in several ways, or whilst editing any content.

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Appspace Employee App PortalContentEmployee

Add Content via Employee App Portal

Add or edit content to any channel directly from the Employee App Portal, without the need to navigate back to the Appspace console.

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ChannelsContentLibraryPlaylist Channels

Add Content, Upload Media, or Create Cards

Add content, upload media, or create cards in the Library, from different entry points, all with the same content creation workflow:

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