Configure Employee App Theme, Branding, & Third-Party App Links

The Appspace Employee App is your organization’s central location for employees to view corporate content that is published to them, and access 3rd party applications utilized within the company. Therefore, it is only natural that organizations would like to customize their Employee App to match their organization’s branding, and the ability to enable only the features used within the organization, giving it that personal touch.

These customizations can be done within the Appspace console by an Account Owner, or Location Admin by navigating to the Settings > App Configuration > Employee Portal tab from the Appspace menu. Configuration settings that are applied here would affect the Employee App portal, Appspace Employee app for Mobile, and also the Visitor Kiosk card.

This article provides instructions to configure the Employee App theming options and 3rd-party application links that are utilized within the organization:


Configure Branding

The Brand side panel allows you to customize the branding for your organization. You will be able to upload a logo, or select one from the library, and even change the accent color to create a consistent theme throughout all communications.

Follow the instructions below to configure the branding for the Employee App Portal, Appspace Employee App for Mobile, and also the Visitor Kiosk card.

  1. Log in to the Appspace console.
  2. Click the ☰ Appspace menu, and click Settings > App Configuration.
  3. Click the Employee App tab, and click Brand from the side panel menu.

    The Employee App tab and Device App tab may only be viewed by the Account Owner. If the user is a Location Admin, only the Device App tab is shown.

  4. You may perform the following branding options:

    • Logo – Upload or select a logo from the Library to be displayed on the Employee App. Recommended dimensions: 200px X 80px.
    • Theme Colors – Select your desired theme colors and personalize both your primary and secondary colors to align with your brand. – New Feature  
      The Secondary theme colour feature is currently behind a feature flag and unavailable to the public.
    • Employee App Quick Post Device TemplateThe Employee App Quick Post Device template comes in four different types. You can select a template for Text Only, Image, Multiple Media or Event.

Configure Navigation

The Navigation side panel allows you to configure the layout and interfaces displayed in the Employee App. From here, you can customize what is shown on the Employee App and what is viewable by your user to coincide with your organizations branding strategy.

Follow the instructions below to configure the sections to be displayed on the Employee App.

  1. Log in to the Appspace console.
  2. Click the ☰ Appspace menu, and click Settings > App Configuration.
  3. Click the Employee App tab, and click Navigation from the side panel menu.
  4. Set the desired location and user to preview the navigation in the Employee App.
  5. To configure the Section, click the ellipsis of the section, and select one of the following actions:
    • EditAbility to edit the navigation.
    • Enable/DisableAbility to enable or disable the section.
    • Move to Top or Move to BottomAbility to move the section as desired.

Each enabled section will be presented in the Employee App menu. This can determine the look and feel of your brand and also configure what the user can view.
      • Home
      • Videos
      • Channels
      • Places & Reservations
      • Visitors
      • Concierge
      • Apps Links

Configure Banner

The Banner Graphic side panel allows you to customise a banner graphic which is displayed on the Employee App. You can display media content, a webpage, or even the last posted content as the banner.

The recommended size for banner uploads is 300 pixels in height and a maximum width of 1170 pixels.

Follow the instructions below to configure the banner graphic displayed on the Employee App.

  1. Log in to the Appspace console.
  2. Click the ☰ Appspace menu, and click Settings > App Configuration.
  3. Click the Employee App tab, and click Banner Graphic from the side panel menu.
  4. Select the banner to be displayed from the Select Content Type drop-down menu:
    • None
    • Default – Displays the default “Welcome to the Employee App” banner.
    • Media – Displays media content as the banner.
      • Media – Upload or select the media from the Library to be displayed as the banner.
    • Webpage – Displays a webpage as the banner.
      • URL – Enter the webpage URL.
    • Last Content Posted – Displays that last posted content to the Employee App as the banner.

Configure Third-Party Apps

The Apps side panel allows you to configure an application link for third-party apps to be displayed on the Employee App. You can choose from a wide selection of apps ranging from enterprise messaging apps, HR and business focused apps, to even entertainment apps. You can also create your own application link for a service not found in the list.

Please ensure App Links has been enabled on the Employee App, in order for the third-party apps to be displayed. For more information, please refer to the Configure Sections instructions above.

Follow the instructions below to configure links to third-party applications.

  1. Log in to the Appspace console.
  2. Click the ☰ Appspace menu, and click Settings > App Configuration.
  3. Click the Employee App tab, and click Apps from the side panel menu.
  4. Click the + Add button to create an App link.
  5. In the Create App window, enter the following app link information:

    • URL – Enter the URL of the application.
      Application Link URL Format:

      • We recommend using “https://” URLs for the application links.
      • The system automatically appends “https://” to the URL, if “” or “” is entered.
    • Name – Enter the name of the application.
    • Description – Enter the description of the application.
    • Logo – Upload the logo of the application.
      The Name, Description, and Logo will be automatically populated if the application link URL contains the relevant metadata, however this can changed to provide better context.
    • Target – Define if the application is available to everyone, or specific users, user groups, or users within a certain location.
      • All Users (default)
      • Specific Users, Groups or Locations
        • Add Users, User Groups, or Locations – Define the specific users, user groups, or users within the location that can view the application.
          You may only add locations and sub-locations that you have access to.
    • Inject Query ParametersDefine the user attributes to be passed along to the 3rd party app via the URL link.
      • User EmailAppends the Email of the user.
      • User NameAppends the First and Last Name (combined) of the user.
      • User IdAppends the User ID of the user.
      • User MembershipAppends the User Group of the user.
      • User Home Location IdAppends the Home Location ID of the user.
      • User Home Location NameAppends the Home Location name of the user.
    • Open Link In – Define where the application is launched.
      • Tab (default) – Launches the application within the Employee App.
      • Inline App – Launches the application in the native browser.
      • Native Browser – Launches the application in the native iOS or Android app. Only applicable on the Appspace Employee App for Mobile.
    • Promoted To – Configure where the application is displayed.
      • Employee App Home Widget (default) – Displays the application on the Home screen.
      • Primary Navigation – Display the application within the More menu.
        You may select both options allowing the application to be displayed in both locations, or unselect both options, which only displays the application in the Apps dashboard on the Employee App.

    • Icon – Select the application icon displayed in the Primary Navigation from the drop-down menu.
    • Status – Slide the toggle switch to enable or disable the app link.
  6. Once done, click Save.

Configure Reactions, Share and Comments On Posts

The Social side panel allows you to configure the Reactions, Share and Comments Settings for the post to be shown on the Employee App.

If the post’s Reactions Settings are enabled, you be able to do the following:

  • See the reactions button.
  • Open the reactions selector by hovering or long pressing the reactions button.
  • Add, edit or remove a reaction on the post.
  • See the reactions counter.
  • Open the reactions modal by clicking or tapping the reactions counter.

If the post’s Comments and Share Settings are set enabled, you will have the ability to add a comment and share the post with other people. For more information on post reactions, comments, and share, refer to the Create Quick Post in Employee App.

Follow the instructions below to configure reactions, share and comments on posts.

  1. Log in to the Appspace console.
  2. Click the ☰ Appspace menu, and click Settings > App Configuration.
  3. Click the Employee App tab, and click Social from the side panel menu.
  4. To configure reactions, comments, and share, select your preferences from the drop-down menu.

    • Default On – By default, reactions will be enabled in all channels and posts.
    • Default Off – The reactions will be disabled by default, however the channel level settings may be changed to configure each channel differently.
    • Always On – All posts will always be able to get reactions.
    • Always Off – All posts will be unable to get reactions.